HULT Prize NIIT University unearths Crown Jewels in Sustainable Fashion

HULT Prize NIIT University unearths Crown Jewels in Sustainable Fashion

Exclamations of all kinds were witnessed in the packed event with a message to be set loud and clear. With an aim to emphasize the fact that the fashion industry is not all about glam and demands urgent change was achieved in the right manner when HULT Prize NU conducted the ‘OnCampus Competition’ on November 8, 2022, from 11:30 PM to 4:30 PM at NIIT University Auditorium.


The theme for the year, ‘’Redesigning Fashion’ created a new dimension for the students to not only discover an entrepreneurial side but also work towards creating an impact on society at a global scale. The teams came up with a variety of ideas to improvise the important aspect of the fashion industry such as manufacturing, designing, and marketing along with major amendments in the policies for workers and employees. This was with an aim to not only make the clothing and footwear segment sustainable but also create a better livelihood for those who make a significant contribution to making and maintaining the industry in the real world.


Before the main event, on November 7, 2022, HULT Prize NU welcomed one of their judge panel members, Mr.Sarfraz Khan, founder, and director of ‘Devobyte’, an innovative and performance-driven digital marketing agency, to guide the competing teams in the right direction and motivated them to work in the right area to make a strong foundation for making the start-up a reality. The session proved to be a boon as the students got a reality check on what edges to sharpen and how risk always proves to be the ultimate reason for starting a business and making it grow. The other panel members included Palak Khanna, regional officer for ‘Asia Pacific’, Dravisha Katoch, spearheading brand marketing for the ‘leap. Club’, and Mrs. NIdhi Sharma, Founder and Designer of ‘BREATH’, gave excellent remarks on the ideas presented and created scope for the teams to improve upon.


The event concluded with a team named, ’ZXERO’ winning the competition and a cash reward of Rs.5000 and a gift hamper, with their brilliant idea to cut down the cloth usage and promote the use of minimalistic materials to make a clothing object using their mobile application. The team is now hoping to make the university proud in the regional rounds taking place once the OnCampus round across all countries comes to an end. The panel organizing team was overwhelmed to have such a brilliant panel to guide the students in the right manner. Overall the event turned out to be a success and the bar of ideas and innovation took a major jump from the previous years. The main goal of the HULT Prize to dig young minds to work towards social causes was fruitfully achieved.