Ajay Menkudale : A journey from Biotechnologist To Digital Marketer

Ajay menkudale is a professional Digital marketer and Blogger in India . He is widely known all across India for his expertise in scientific, logical, authentic and accurate methodology for the problems like health problems diabetes covid 19 protection and many more. The balance of tech innovation and the creativity in digital marketing. MR. Ajay has always being academic strong.His journey from biotechnologist To Digital marketing.sometimes its the journey that teaches you alot about your destination.Science,commerce, arts these are education streams not a instruments to judge your intellect.
Biotechnology is essentially the product of interaction between the science of biology and technology. The products of biotechnology are going to have a major impact on the quality of human life, productivity, trade and economics in the world. Already biotechnology is being used in the areas of diagnosis, prevention and cure of diseases, in the production of new and cheaper biochemical products e.g. pharmaceutical drugs, in enhanced production of new food resources, in environmental protection and energy conservation.Many scientists use the term old or traditional biotechnology to the natural processes that have been used since many centuries to produce beer, wine, curd, cheese and many other foods. The new or modern biotechnology includes all the genetic manipulations, cell fusion techniques and the improvements made in the old biotechnological processes.
Ajay menkudale was born and brought up in Solapur he belongs to humble middle class family background where nobody knew about biotechnology . He had completed his school from SVCS high school solapur. Then he moved to Shivadare collage for further education for BSc he is academically very strong. After that he joined pharmaceutical company . after his hardwork and dedication towards work.
Due to Marathi medium school he has lack of communication but he never stopped believing in himself he started improving his skills , And then good practice makes man perfect . He always believe in himself and learned in opportunity he get. And one day his hardwork , practices ,dedication ,sleepless night everything paid off he got chance to work in Indian MNC pharmaceutical company .
After joining the best pharmaceutical company he get started giving information and helping people by digitally . he started making blogs related covid precaution , diabetes affect prevention and everything regarding health by digitally . As our prime minister Mr. Naredra Modiji said, I dream of digital India where knowledge is strength and empowers the people. In Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. Philip Kotler is considered as the "Father of Modern Marketing" who is the author of over 60 marketing books, and provides us with important lessons that can be applied to our digital strategy. The development of digital marketing is inseparable from technology development. The advent of digital marketing can be traced back to the days of the 1980s. we must bridge digital divide and ensure digital literacy. biotechnologyaffairs.com this is his official website . Apart from this he is expert in Linkdin profile customisation , SEO and Google ads. He received many award .
Ajay menkudale says , Digital marketing is a rapidly changing space where one year is equivalent to seven years in digital, it when describing the dynamic nature of the medium. Technological innovation and digital marketing have always gone hand in hand, as technology plays a key role in how digital marketing evolves every few years with emphasis on new methods of customer targeting, acquisition and now even creativity and content.
feel your life with experiences not a things. Have a stories to tell not a stuff to show great. things never come from comfort zone!!