Jaideep Parashar: The spirit to never give up

Have you ever peeped into the life of a global change-maker? Repudiation, abject submission to a good cause, endurance, and standing against all odds in all situations are their traits; which also describe the hard journey of Mr. Jaideep Parashar.
Consistently being recognized in the business world, and earnestly revered by business owners, Mr. Parashar is a well-known market researcher, business consultant, bestselling author, and CEO of 2 global firms. Apart from these, he is an inspiration to zillions as he is breaking the stereotypes with his determination. He is highly active in sports and a Yellow-belt Taekwondo Player!
An engineer by degree, he has served both the private & public sectors. While having a fair exposure & experience of the working system, he found several fault lines- which if fixed could greatly enhance the overall efficiency. But he was not sure of the sure-shot solution. And that’s what urged him to research various aspects of business management as a whole. After the working hours, he started to research Career Growth and jotted down the learning in form of a book.
In 2008, when the world went into the clenches of the great global recession and corporates went on a firing spree, he was shattered as he had assessed some fault lines previously. Taking note of the struggling employees he started researching how to Master the Art of Successful Career*. And this led to the foundation of something very big!
Now we easily say that he is a grand master of 22 aspects like marketing, sales, process automation, management, and many others; his books are never witnessing low sales, new books coming every month, and his simple straightforward clear cut advice multiplying the corporate revenues, and many more! But easily said hard done!
His life and his dedication are the epitomai of commitment and hard work. So let's delve into the chronology and how he achieved this level with his 14 years of research!
When the great economic depression thumped the world in 2008 he was working on a successful career guide. A lot was to be done. Each and everything was to be read.
So he went on a reading spree first. But he had to make both ends meet and had to work hard for marketing and financing his research and services. He had to literally work round the clock, which took a toll on his health- both physiological and mental.
Though some progress has been achieved by 2012 that was not considerable. Extreme work pressure, lack of sleep, and stress burned out it him completely. After a mild recovery, he restarted his research, and this time focussed on more effective methods leveraging digital tools.
He also joined a short-term course from a reputed B-School to learn business orchestration and management principles. In the year 2014 the overwhelming workload emaciated him, and for his deteriorated health was not able to work for 3 months!
Unfortunately, he was misdiagnosed and went on the wrong medication- worsening his health conditions. He was bedridden and every day was a challenge to live. Somehow he managed to get out of the crisis but have to drop the PG course. Unluckily his laptop crashed and he lost all the work. Such stressful scenarios and ill-health continued till 2018. This year he was posted to a mountainous village in Uttarakhand, and there he meditated for a clearer perspective. When returned he had lost all the handmade notes and other databases. But he started things again from scrap.
By the start of 2021, he had read 700+ books and experimented on everything in the domain. In 2021 he launched the book, "Master the art of successful career*”- A 5star rated mega-bestseller; and launched his first company- Ziti Marketing.
After facing so many pitfalls and hardships now everything is on track and in 2022 he also launched a second venture- Startup Griffins. This year he published one more book LinkedIn Power- for executives & entrepreneurs. He is now a yellow belt certified Taekwondo player and looking forward to assisting the entrepreneurs by busting the myths and putting forth the real truth.
His commendable commitment, extreme emotional control, diligent dedication, and perspicacious patience are revered globally by the big-honchos.
“Enthusiasm is common…endurance is rare! So hustle until you never have to introduce yourself”- is his ideology, with which he keeps on inspiring the aspirants!