Let’s learn the story of Sachin Kumar.

The sky is filled with several shining stars. Some are shining. Some are trying. Here we are going to talk about one more shining star of our digital sky. None other than Mr Sachin Singh, who was born on January 1, 2004, in a financially struggling low-income family of a private teacher of Aurangabad Bihar. Where His proud father was a teacher in a private school, and his mother was a simple housewife residing in Thumbhi village, Post Sunoura ps-Mali.
Sachin Kumar was very ambitious from his childhood. He used to see big and colourful dreams about his life. He was very much attracted towards the digital world and want to rise into the digital sky. Still, he was very much aware about his hardships and surroundings, which can come like obstacles between him and his ambitions. He is in high school, but there is no knowledge source he finds to help him to find his goal. Still, this boy never lost his confidence and dreams. He never let down his goal. Even after being born in a low-income family, he overcame all the blockages coming in his path with his extraordinary talent and ambitions.
He went on climbing the stairs of success, and by overcoming all the difficulties and despite not having all the required facilities, he kept on climbing to the heights of the digital world. With great hardships of life and hard childhood, Sachin never let his ambitions and completed his academic education from DAV Public School Nabinagar in 2019. He started doing his own private work as an independent businessman in Digital Marketing (Social Media Marketing, Paid Promotion, Lead Generation, Business Listing, Press Releasing and Graphic Designing etc.). At the time of beginning, he came to know that it's much more important to have deep knowledge of the subject on which we are going to start our carrier.
He started learning digital marketing from available courses on YouTube. But it was not sufficient. He had to bear a huge failure. At that time, he had just passed high school and was very tender. Hence, the whole world is there for him to welcome again. He never lost his confidence and ambitions and started his journey. He was now clear that he would first make himself perfect. Hence, he started reading various books with full enthusiasm to increase his knowledge more and more. He had selected some fine and famous recommended books of various writers related to his dreamed business of digital marketing. Six golden months of his life passed in gaining knowledge. Now he is fully ready and perfect to rock in the Digital sky after all the obstacles, failures hardships. He never let his passion come down, and as a result, the whole universe started helping him. He reached to his goal at a jet speed of courage and confidence. Now he is a successful businessman.
His life is such an inspiration for today's youth. His only success mantra is No one can stop you when the sky is your limit and courage is your weapon.