Nutrition Vs Exercise. A very common question everyone faces is choosing nutrition or choosing exercise for their health improvement. In this blog, we will see what is more important- Nutrition or exercise.
First, we will talk about nutrition. A process of taking nutrients from the food we take is nutrition. The nutrients we have through food determine what our body is going to receive and the quantity of it. The energy to build and maintain tissues and regulate body processes comes from nutrition. Good health can only be achieved if you have a diet filled with nutrition, and if you don’t choose proper foods, then you are going to suffer because of poor health.
IN ONE OF THEIR STUDY, Cena H and Calder P defined what a healthy diet explains. A healthy diet is one in which macronutrients, as well as micronutrients, are consumed. Lifshitz Fima published a paper in 2009 stating that nutrition is important for the growth of the body. Growth is a fundamental process that needs to be taken care of during childhood.
Paediatricians and Nutritionists need to look closely towards the right nutrition given to the child so that the growth is not hindered by and chance. If one individual fails to consume proper nutrients, then the body leads to malnutrition. Saunders John says in his paper that malnutrition affects the function and recovery of every organ system. Immunity is also affected if there is no proper nutrition.
As we have talked about nutrition, we will talk about exercise now. Sometimes when you go to the gym or start running, you do it to lose weight or to become healthy and fit. But what basically is exercise? The planned physical activity that is done for improvement in health is called as exercise. Through exercise, one can enhance their physical fitness. Exercise is a powerful tool in the fight to prevent and treat numerous chronic diseases. Given its whole-body, health-promoting nature, the integrative responses to exercise should surely attract a great detail of interest as the notion of “exercise makes you happy”. According to Booth Frank, Overwhelming evidence exists that lifelong exercise is associated with a longer healthspan, delaying the onset of 40 chronic conditions/diseases. Aruni Bhatnagar and Matthew A. Nystoriak said that it is widely accepted that regular physical activity is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Exercise improves mental health and is important for muscles, bones, joints, and optimal function. The most recent recommendations advise people of all ages to include a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking, on most, if not all, days of the week.
So now, as we can see, nutrition and exercise are very important to remain fit and healthy. But when it comes to giving proper nutrition to the body, which is required for the exercise to show its effect, nutrition comes first. It’s the nutrition which we get from food that improves the quality of exercise. Whatever we eat healthy decreases the risk for chronic disease, helps with weight control, assists in stress management, decreases the effects of ageing and improves your skin and brain health. Sound familiar? The benefits of good nutrition are the same as exercise, making the two together with a powerful combination for good health.
At Nutrillion, we work on your Personalized Nutrition meal plan based on a genetic report. The genetic reports help make the meal plan according to the individual's needs and will not be common for everyone. Nutrillion is a company that works on a scientific basis for both exercise and nutrition. As we can see, exercise and nutrition both are very important, but the personalization of meal plans on the basis of the genetic report makes Nutrillion unique. When you are planning to lose weight, what you eat matters, it's clear that you need to restrict calories in your diet to lose weight or plan something which will lose your fat mass and increase muscle mass, and this planning can only be done with the help of a specialized and personalized nutrition plan. So, it’s clear that although nutrition and exercise are important, but nutrition always stands first, and Nutrillion is the only place you can trust to make you healthy and happy.
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