Political Engineer: Bridge between Politicians and People.
Today’s world is an information and data-laden place. We often hear phrases like ‘Data is the new oil.’ and ‘Data is more precious than a diamond.’ But how do show and exhibit the data in the most presentable way possible? The answer will be unanimous. CONTENT.
If data is electricity, the content is the conductor. If data is oil, the content is a container. If data is diamond, content is an exhibition. Creative and content writing is the need of the hour for projection. The content got the highest demand of any era. The need for content is everywhere. Everywhere. No field is an exception for content and creative writing. Fashion, food, vlog, lifestyle, spiritual, romance, film, drama, history, education, science, and technology. The list is never ever-ending. But often we forget that there is one more field where content not only flows but pours like a Skyfall.
Politics. Politics is such a field where the content keeps flowing in at a tremendously high speed and then one has to analyze the situation, draft it in a language that readers will also get a knack for the situation and it should also fall in line with the political agenda and ideology. A politician or a political organization cannot deal with the huge influx of information and their inability to do this task is a legit problem because party people and politicians have their share of work. But to remain competitive, they need to keep conveying the work, campaign, agenda, and speeches. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google became giants in conveying the messages of politicians as the masses have moved from the Idiot box to smartphones.
Content creating and branding for politicians is as important as it is for any superstar or fashion icon. The inevitability of branding politicians has created a space for an ecosystem in the world of social media and media management.
But the two questions are, who and how? Political Engineer is the answer to those two questions.
‘Political Engineer is the place where information enters as raw stuff and comes out as a finely polished content.’
What do Political engineers do?
Social media is our forte. We voice the political leader on social forums and make the world listen to his voice, hear his opinion, read his words and convey him to the people. All that being behind the curtains. Political Engineer name itself tells the story as we engineer the image of the politician and analyze the mindset of that person’s work. We project their work, campaigns, speeches, and opinions and Political engineers have filled the void for many such politicians and public figures and fixed their voices.
How do we do it?
We leave no stone unturned for the elevation of emerging leaders. Every digital platform is an added opportunity for us. We even train budding politicians in the code of conduct in public life. We analyze the data and correlate the numbers with the events happening on ground zero. Exactly that’s what engineers do. The underlying question is why are we doing this. Politicians and the whole political flora and fauna of Bharat are entitled to the biggest failure since Indian Independence when it comes to conveying the policies regarding public interest. The real policies which will provide ease to the hard-working common man have not been conveyed and that problem lies in Indian Politics since 1947. The disconnect between public interest and governance has been ever-increasing since then. Political Engineer wants to become the bridge between these two. As the next 25 years are Azadi ka Amrit Kaal. We want to bring change in this field.
To know more, visit: https://www.politicalengineer.in/