Re-skill. Learn. Succeed. Personalized learning platform for students, schools and colleges

One of the India’s leading and fastest growing re-skilling and eLearning providers.
We help schools and colleges re-skill to inspire students with personalised learning, helping them develop the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. We combine our proven pedagogical techniques with a modern digital curriculum.
At alphabez we support schools in their mission to prepare students for the digital world. We find the best skills, build them into engaging, exciting programmes and deliver them in an affordable way.
Ever since the COVID-19-induced pandemic, online education has witnessed an exponential rise, and today, up-skilling one's skills has become crucial. Now, someone with knowledge about computer programming has an upper hand when it comes to finding a job. But, often, it is perceived that learning computer skills is tough and not easily available.
Well, if you are also thinking about a job shift and up-skilling but don't know where to start, then you need not worry further as alphabeZ has a wide range of courses just for you, whether you have to learn for professional or personal purposes.
They are here to expand the capacity of individuals and organisations aiming to excel in IT, leadership, and management.
They have two years of experience providing high-quality, affordable training in a number of areas, from Digital Marketing to Software development Courses for collage students, and high school coding,art and Math courses for kids between the ages of 6 to 17 to develop skills beyond the classroom. Their curriculum emphasises making learning enjoyable.
Alekhya Reddy, a Hyderabad native, and her brother Krishna Reddy launched alphabeZ in 2020.
The goal of alphabeZ's coding courses is to assist students in developing skills outside of the classroom.
After training a large number of students in India in 2022, the company began conducting workshops in schools and registering more than one hundred schools in the country, in addition to expanding its reach to other parts of Asia.
alphabeZ offers the best coding classes in Asia, and the company's mission is to pursue excellence both inside and outside of the classroom, while fostering critical thinking and emphasising the learning process.
Visit their website to learn more about the organisation and the courses they provide.
Additionally, you can locate albhabeZ on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. They are also available on Quora.