Success Story of An Entrepreneur and Author – Ms.Swati Bhargava

Success Story of An Entrepreneur and Author – Ms.Swati Bhargava

I am Swati Bhargava from Lucknow, I was born in Dhaulpur city of Rajasthan and got married and came to Lucknow.

Becoming an entrepreneur from a housewife and winning 2 titles and 2 crowns Mrs Lucknow and Mrs Uttar Pradesh.

Completing exactly 25 years of marriage It sounds simple but was it not easy, today when I look back at myself, I get to think I am that Swati. Where has the simple innocent girl come from today, what has she achieved?

The process did not stop even after winning 2 crowns. Sometimes I come in front of you as a jury, sometimes I win in writing poems and stories.
Just decided not to go back now, have to move forward.

Before marriage, I had a dream of becoming a textile designer.  Due to the financial condition of the parents not being good, I changed my decision. But his regret is still today. 

The desire to do something was always in my mind.  Only that one desire kept burning like a spark in me and always used to think that whenever I get a chance, I will do something different for myself.

In March 2021 the opportunity of a beauty pageant came to me through my niece. She told me that you can do it and you can win too, you are tall and I was just looking for such an opportunity.

Even then I felt that if I become a part of this beauty pageant, even if I do not win, I will learn a lot. At that time learning was more important than winning. 

I was doing the health supplement business then. I did a good job in that and was more in touch with people so had some confidence. But this was a different kind of occasion.  I filled out the form after asking my husband. 

At that time everything started online due to Corona.  Online training started. How much we learned, how to speak, how to explain more in fewer words, how to do makeup.  How to sit, how to walk, and how celebrities live.  How do you give interviews in the press, how many things did you learn?

I used to take the script when there were contests.  When I used to make videos, the process of writing like this also started.  All this was going on.  Along with this, the responsibilities of the house were also going on, taking care of the husband and children. This responsibility should not be diluted in any way.  Along with fulfilling my duty, I also had to give wings to my dreams and fly. 


Till then it was understood that to fulfill your dreams you have to take your own decision and move forward.  No one can take you ahead.  Unless you want to everything is not very easy, but when you have the passion for something, then you manage everything and work hard, only then do you move towards success.
There came a time in between when I was declared the first winner at the city level.  It consists of 3 rounds.  Then I became the title winner and crown winner of Mrs Lucknow.

At that time some challenges came due to which I had to choose whether to go ahead in this beauty pageant or leave it.


  Said once in my mind that I should leave all this and end the tension because some people did not want.  I go ahead but my heart did not accept this.  I have decided not to think of everyone.  I'll go ahead because I thought that if I win further, then maybe life will be different.

Life gives a second chance.  Maybe this is the second chance.  If I leave it, then I will not be able to do anything and if I win further, many ways will open to moving forward. Then in December 2021,I went in jaipur for state level, I am won the title and crown of Mrs Uttar Pradesh.

Then I came back to Lucknow.  On December 7, 2021, I completed 25 years of marriage and this year the achievement also became an example for ordinary females.  I started getting congratulatory messages not only from the city but also from all over the country.

Life changed after that.  Celebrity feeling comes wherever you go.  Everyone behave like this.  Some make the chief guest, and some call as judge. I also got an opportunity to make women aware.  I started writing  and wrote poetry, articles and blogs, stories for females.  I am also writing a book now. 
Donating blood from the last 10 years.  Last year, a blood donation camp was organized in Dehri, a village in Rajasthan.  I had gone there as the chief guest. Motivated the women and girls there to donate blood and also donated blood themselves.

  Now women themselves tell me their problems and ask me for solutions.  Says how can we be like you? 


If some women moves forward by being inspired by me, Then this is success for me.


Swati Bhargava
