What Makes Mount Columbus International School EXTRAORDINARY???

What Makes Mount Columbus International School EXTRAORDINARY???
An article by
Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Singh
Principal , MCIS
Have you ever wondered what makes your school a special place to be? We ask ourselves this question each and every day at MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, and our answer is always the same: our school is extraordinary because of the incredible students, parents, community partners, and staff who bring it to life each day. Their energy, love, and passion are infectious, and we are so grateful for all they do to make us something great.
Last year, we asked these same to some of our bright students tell us what makes MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL special to them. We were curious to know what keeps their passion alive as the weeks and months pass by. Read below for a few of the responses we received and, from all of us, thank you for the ways you bring your energy and passion to our school. We are fortunate to have you in the MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL !
My school is special because we have a unique system that allows us as students to make our way to a better future. We have a community of respect and love for everyone no matter their status . The goal we have is to make a difference in the community and in ourselves to be something better. MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL gives us a lot of opportunities that will help us in the future. Our school also includes everyone in our families to participate in school activities, so they know what has been going on in our classes and what new ideas and opportunities are being presented to us.
My MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is special because it takes an innovative approach to education that truly nurtures the creativity and education of the students while enhancing their ability to successfully communicate with people at all levels. Our MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has created an environment which takes students well beyond the ‘question and answer’ process associated with learning. Students are given the opportunity to verbally demonstrate their answers to others via interactions from the front of the room. Service to the community is a strong component of the curriculum and students experience first-hand the value of contributing to those who are generally less fortunate in the community. The interaction with the students that builds their self-esteem and confidence when speaking with others is also unique to ninth graders–and some of them have already spoken successfully at public events–while inspiring the audience with their passion and life stories. Respect for others is very evident at the school. MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL truly cares about its students–and that is reflected in the enthusiasm in the hallways and classrooms.
My MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a famous educational institution in our area. My MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is well known for its education system. Our MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL tries to implement a different approach to impose studies on students. Students in our school are never forced to study just for passing through. We have many fun sessions and practical sessions to understand our subject concepts. Because of this special reason, I like my MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL very much. Not only me, all my friends too like our school very much.
I like my school for the extra interest teachers show on students’ talents. Any student who shows an extraordinary talent is given special attention. Such students are regularly motivated through awards during school programmes and appreciated during school assemblies.My MOUNT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is the most enjoyable place for me.