Are you financially literate? OR Why do most people fail to become financially successful?

Money is not the answer. But its absence creates a lot of problems. Money can make life comfortable and easy. Everyone dreams of earning money, but only a few are able to cross the finish line. Earning money or reaching financial stability is a science that only a few of us have heard about, and only a few have been able to understand it to the core.

Are you financially literate?  OR  Why do most people fail to become financially successful?

What would you say when someone asks you whether or not you are financially literate? In most cases, there would be no answer to this question as we have seldom thought that there could be something called financial literacy.

So, what is financial literacy?

Financial literacy means education on Money. Financial Literacy is the ability to understand and manage one's finances. It includes knowledge of financial concepts such as Financial statement, budgeting, investing, debt management, cash flow management, financial timeline and many more. 

Financial literacy is important because it gives individuals the skills to make informed decisions about their money and build long-term financial security.

Many might also say financial literacy means investment and knowing the right place to invest. However, the term has a much broader meaning. To simplify this term and make one aware of managing one's finances appropriately, Sudhir Khot has come up with the perfect guidance and education to succeed financially. He says, it's not about how much money you make, it's all about how well you manage your earned money. 

Sudhir Khot, an entrepreneur, educator and investor is on a mission to elevate financial literacy of people in India. Having a struggle-free relationship with money is important, and Sudhir Khot helps them learn and achieve exactly that.

Hailing from Kolhapur in Maharashtra, Sudhir Khot had witnessed his father struggle for money in a cyclical pattern. As a foundry owner, his business suffered from recession every 3 to 4 years. Thus his business was always cash strived. Seeds of building a recession-proof business were sown due to early childhood experiences. 

MBA from Sydenham Institute of Management, Mumbai University,  gave him headway in the corporate world. In 2001, he began his real entrepreneur journey with Ruralreach. During his entrepreneurship journey, he has built a business in agriculture, real estate and coaching in money space. 

Roots of entrepreneurship have been nurtured with the need for monthly expenses during his college days. Just to generate cash for monthly expenses, Sudhir Khot started his first seasonal venture to sell crackers and clothing material during the Diwali period. 

However, a lack of proper financial knowledge made him take some erratic financial decisions, and by 2003 he was left almost empty-handed. Self analysis made him realize that, root cause of failure is weak knowledge around money management. 

Sudhir says, when I look around, I see 80% people are floating in the same boat. Most are undergoing money stress. He realized his mistake. Reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dada by Mr. Robert Kiyosaki was a turning point for his life. Moment he started looking at his financial statements with proper knowledge, life began to improve. From this point onwards, Sudhir promised himself to help people elevate their financial education and make them real literate. 

No school teaches about money. Unknowingly the wrong thought process is developed around money. This wrong thought process is forcing people to remain under money stress. Then, he decided to pass on his experience and learning about money to people to some headway in terms of finances. With this aim, he started a company named Financial Fitness. 

Today Financial Fitness is a community with over 5000 members. In this community, the members work together to improve financial literacy to achieve financial freedom.

Student of Robert Kiyosaki and certified trainer & facilitator from Blair Singer Training Academy, USA, believes that a person's thoughts act as a magnet to attract money. He strongly believes that financial fitness involves understanding the basics of money management and developing a positive money mindset. It also involves developing strategies for managing one's finances, setting goals and creating a plan to reach them.

The psychology of wealth involves understanding how we think about money, how our beliefs shape our behavior, and how we can use this knowledge to create financial success. 

Having a positive mindset around money is the key to achieving financial wellness. A positive money mindset allows us to make smart financial decisions and set ourselves up for long-term success.

If the mind is clear and free of doubts, it attracts positive finances. But if it is clouded, then it attracts negative finances.

Sudhir Khot feels that one's financial literacy is directly responsible for one's success. High level of financial literacy would help one to jumpstart one's income, life and success too. 

So, if you are also looking forward to attracting positive finances to make your life happier, get enrolled in Sudhir Khot's programs that focus on - How to improve one's financial literacy and take charge of earned money. 

With good financial literacy, one can improve his financial decision making, money management skills, build great financial security, and make better investment decisions. Ultimate gain of having great financial literacy is - Financial independence. 

Sudhir conducts various online and offline coaching sessions to improve your confidence around money. Over 5000 people have benefited from Financial Fitness workshops which give education around money. He proudly says, we never sell any financial product during workshops. These workshops revolve around the psychology of money and success and not on investing.

In this real world, your financial statement is your report card. Your success is defined by the status of your financial statement. Here is one secret formula to predict your financial future. 

Go through your financial statement. Check your expense column in detail. If your expenses are moving towards liabilities; your financial future is in trouble. If most of your expenses are getting invested to build assets, your financial future is powerful. 

If you wish to learn more about money and finance, please visit and watch over 150 education videos on money on my youtube