Be the face of the brand- Create your Showcase; Launch yourself as a Cover Model

Celebs Tea Co. is a lifestyle tea brand which promotes fashion models all around the globe.
- Why a fashion model should get associated with the brand Celebs Tea Co.?
To get the answer to this “why”, one should understand the problem that a model faces. To know this, you should understand that the aspiring models face such problems as the established professional models.
The problem is “getting modelling opportunities at regular intervals”
You know that the market is very unpredictable, competition is too high, None of them is certain, when and from where they would get a new modelling assignment.
Another problem is that the modelling career is too short, hence the timing is very important. If you don’t receive the project within the time frame, you will lose your career.
To get the projects, models run after various agencies, do expensive photoshoots, pay heavy amounts for costumes and makeup, and travel to different places for endorsements.
In the end, very few of them, even less than 0.001% get brand endorsements.
We have identified such problems and come up with a wonderful solution.
- What solution Celebs Tea Co. has come up with?
To get the answer to this question, one should know about the brand and its perspectives.
See, the brand, Celebs Tea Co., deals in an exotic tea segment and works as an aggregator for the famous tea estates all around the globe. Apart from India, we also market our brand in Europe, USA and Canada, South East Asia, UAE etc.
Now, let`s understand the brand's perspective. The main perspective of the brand is to create an opportunity for the people, especially the fashion models, both established and aspiring, through its brand. The brand will help the fashion models in their branding, monetisation and getting sponsorship from their business contacts.
In this campaign, models do not need to run after various agencies, have no need for expensive photoshoots, pay heavy amounts for costumes and make-up, and travel to different places for endorsements. We just need nice and stylish pics of yours to make creatives with the brand. You can work leaving in your city as well.
Another USP is the age group, see, normally the modelling career starts from the age of 18 and goes up to 30`s max. However In our campaign, even if you are in your 30s or 40s but have maintained yourself well, our offer is open to you.
- Can you bit explain what process the fashion models generally follow? And how they launch themselves as a Cover Model through the brand.
We create and sell the opportunities for fashion models to launch themselves through our brand and earn or monetise themselves regularly through this campaign.
The name of the campaign is “Create Showcase and Launch Yourself as a Cover Model”.
First of all, the fashion models are supposed to send some of their best pics or Instagram profile to the campaign manager for evaluation. The team will come up with a Compatibility or Relevance Score for every model with the campaign. If you score above the standard benchmark, then only you can participate in the campaign. If you score below the standard benchmark, you will have one more chance to re-evaluate your profile.
This particular campaign runs in two phases. In the 1st phase of the campaign, what fashion models do is that they create their showcase of the various types of tea collections, featuring themselves as a cover model on every tea box.
In the 2nd phase of the campaign, the brand looks for sponsors within your business contact to recycle your showcase. To make this campaign successful, the brand deploys a dedicated PR Manager to every Model to expedite the branding, monetisation and sponsorship to the next level. Now, this thing is an exclusive service for any model. As of now only big-time models and celebrities could have availed of this kind of PR service. Now you can also say that you have your PR Manager who works for your branding, monetisation and sponsorship.
The success mantra of any model is the recognition and the face value. If by any chance, people start recognising you because of your branding (just as celebrities), then in that case you are on the right path.
- The question is how they utilise their showcase to earn endorsement money out of this?
The answer is simple, they keep some of the tea boxes for their reference and for gifting purposes to their friends and relatives. This will create a huge reputation in their society.
Second and the most important is the commercial use of the rest of the tea boxes.
Here, the role of the PR Manager comes into the picture, The PR Manager will do the brand collaboration with their Gym, Salon, Gift Store, Pharma Cum General Store on behave of them, They just need to share the contact details of their business contacts. The PR Manager will talk to them and distribute the showcase to them.
People see and buy the products from the showcase. For every product sold from the showcase, the fashion model gets their endorsement in their brand ambassador account.
Later on, these collaborations can be converted as your 1st liner sponsors. These business establishments can sponsor your showcase to make revenue out of this.
Being a model you should personally be super confident, that the product you are featuring should stand out in the eyes of the people and they buy it.
It also creates an identity for the fashion models and would remain forever with them. The fashion models do not depend only on projects which are uncertain for them. Here the process is in their hands. The products are going to be recycled, reach every household from their showcase and their earnings will go on without any hindrance.
- Now the question is how much investment generally they do for their showcase?
It depends on the customisation of the collection. To know more, one should contact their campaign manager.
We also offer them an easy EMI option.
So what are you waiting for, if you are ready to launch yourself as a cover model? Kindly feel free to contact the brand manager as soon as possible.