Beneficial Plants for Home as Per Vastu: Numerologist Rashmi Mittal Highlights the Importance of Greenery in Vastu Shastra.

Beneficial Plants for Home as Per Vastu: Numerologist Rashmi Mittal Highlights the Importance of Greenery in Vastu Shastra.

In the pursuit of creating harmonious and positive living spaces, ancient Indian science of Vastu Shastra has long emphasized the significance of incorporating beneficial plants within homes. These green companions not only enhance the aesthetics of a living space but also contribute to the overall well-being of its occupants. Numerologist and Vastu expert, Rashmi Mittal, sheds light on the significance of specific plants as per Vastu principles and their potential to attract positive energy and prosperity.


Vastu Shastra and the Connection to Nature


Vastu Shastra, an age-old architectural system, stresses the importance of living in harmony with nature to create a balanced and positive environment. According to Vastu principles, certain plants possess positive energies that can influence the aura of a home and its inhabitants. These plants are believed to promote good health, happiness, wealth, and success while warding off negative energies.


Numerologist Rashmi Mittal's Insights


Numerologist Rashmi Mittal has extensively studied the correlation between numerology and Vastu Shastra, bringing to light the positive impact of specific plants on an individual's numerological profile. She believes that each individual's numerological chart can be influenced by the energies of plants, leading to enhanced personal growth and prosperity.


Mittal's research suggests that incorporating plants in accordance with an individual's numerology can create a synergy that fosters a harmonious living environment. When a person's energy resonates well with the surrounding greenery, it leads to increased positive vibrations, which, in turn, attract abundance and success.


Beneficial Plants as Per Vastu Principles


  1. Tulsi (Holy Basil): Revered for its purifying properties, Tulsi is considered highly auspicious in Vastu Shastra. It is believed to bring prosperity, harmony, and peace to the household.


  1. Money Plant: The Money Plant is a popular choice for attracting wealth and good fortune. Its cascading green leaves symbolize growth and abundance, making it an ideal addition to any living space.


  1. Bamboo Plant: The Bamboo Plant is well-known for its ability to bring luck and prosperity. According to Vastu, placing it in the east or southeast corner of the house is believed to attract positive energies.


  1. Peace Lily: Known for its air-purifying qualities, the Peace Lily is considered a powerful absorber of negative energy. It is recommended for rooms where conflicts or stress often arise.


  1. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is valued for its medicinal properties and is believed to bring positive vibrations and good health to the home.


  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): The Snake Plant is admired for its ability to absorb toxins and improve indoor air quality, contributing to a healthier living space.


  1. Jasmine: The sweet fragrance of Jasmine not only adds charm to a home but also fosters a peaceful atmosphere, promoting love and harmony among family members.


  1. Neem Tree: The Neem Tree is associated with protection and is believed to ward off evil energies, making it an excellent choice for home exteriors.


Implementation and Placement


Apart from selecting the right plants, the placement of these green companions is equally crucial to harness their positive energies fully. According to Vastu Shastra, certain plants are more suitable for specific directions within a home.


  1. North and East: These directions are considered ideal for placing most plants, as they receive ample sunlight and promote positive energy flow.


  1. Northeast: The sacred area of the home, the northeast direction, should be adorned with a Tulsi plant or other auspicious plants to enhance spirituality and wisdom.


  1. South and Southwest: Avoid placing too many plants in these directions, as they can block the flow of positive energy.


  1. West: Money plants or bamboo plants are best suited for the west direction, as they are believed to attract prosperity.


  1. Southeast: The bamboo plant is recommended for this direction to invite financial growth and success.


  1. South: Aloe Vera and Peace Lily are suitable for the south direction to counteract negative energies.




Incorporating beneficial plants as per Vastu principles can significantly influence the energies within a home, fostering a positive and harmonious living environment. Numerologist Rashmi Mittal's research has further highlighted the alignment between Vastu Shastra and numerology, emphasizing the importance of personalized plant selection to optimize positive vibrations for individual well-being and prosperity. As more people recognize the value of these ancient practices, the green revolution within homes continues to grow, promising a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for all.


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