Getting a job is tough, but with practical experience and knowledge we get an edge over the crowd, but how to secure such opportunities, either we may go for internships or we may learn from Job oriented course.
Job-oriented courses are training courses that prepare professionals for a particular career field or role. A job-oriented course helps to improve the skills and knowledge required for a particular job. There’s ruthless competition for everything. But if you can get an edge over your peers, you can quickly get the high-paying jobs available in the market. Also, many free courses are available in the market which help you to get the right job as per your career interests.
Many colleges are now closing B.Tech course these days (refer to IP university etc), but it is also true that many new careers are emerging such as Digital marketing, Video editors, Social media managers etc.
You may acquire these equally high paying skills, by spending just a fraction of cost on online courses which are not just affordable but also give you a freedom to learn anytime anywhere. You may kick start your side hustle by opting any of the below courses.
Digital Marketing training course- Digital Marketing training courses are designed by industry experts to provide a detailed understanding of handling Digital Marketing campaigns. Digital Marketing course includes topics such as Marketing with Social media, search engine optimization, building a website, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Marketing using Facebook ads and pages, learning to brand on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, and Pinterest, email marketing and more.
Business Communication Skill Courses- Gain expertise in communication skills and demonstrate good oral communication skills in a professional environment. Develop a sharp understanding of professional ethics, and apply the principles and codes of ethics to solve cases and problems related to day-to-day working in an organization. Definitions and Conditions, Modes; verbal, non-verbal, vocal, non-vocal, sender, receiver, encoding, decoding, noise, context, emotional, relationships. Understand Communication dilemmas and problems
Certificate Course in Labour Laws- This course enables you to understand various acts related to labour laws, for example, the minimum wages act 1948, the equal remuneration act 1976, etc following 4 new labour laws introduced in recent years namely the Code of Wages 2019, Industrial relations code 2020, Social Security Code 2020, Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, 2020. This course is advisable for law students willing to practice labour law or join any corporate in the HR and finance department. It is also good for employees who want to take benefit of these acts.
Financial Management certificate Course- Every organization has its core competence which is guarded by its finance team; hence finance person is a goalkeeper of an organization. Financial Management is a process of having knowledge of Balance sheets and analysing the cost centre and expenses of an organization. This program helps the candidate to understand the role of the Finance Manager and how to minimize cost and maximize profit. It is a program that should be done by a candidate who wants to pursue a career in financial services & financial backup of an organization. Key topics covered Financial Management, ERP systems, Accounting, Capital budgeting, Presentation design, Management, and Negotiation.
Business analytics with Excel- Learn business analytics fundamentals like data science, data analytics
All these above courses are provided by
the job-oriented course focuses on the knowledge and skills required for a particular job. These courses may help you qualify for a certain position or earn a higher salary. After completing the course, you are eligible to get a job in the digital era, SEO Manager, Digital marketing, copy editing, or video editing.