Can you reverse your body’s age naturally? India’s first natural reverse aging company says YES!

In a fast paced world, most of us end up neglecting our health and experience mental and emotional stress as a result.
Junk food only evolves to make love to our taste buds, whereas vegetables still look and taste the same.
As a consequence, over 537 million people worldwide suffer from Type 2 diabetes and over 244 million adults suffer from heart disease! If that doesn’t open your eyes, we’re not sure what will!
People aged 40+ particularly lack personalized nutrition, sleep and movement guidance along with continuous follow up to keep them from aging prematurely.
A study examining 196 adults between 55-87 years old indicates that the younger you think you are, the more youth-related activities you’ll participate in, like healthy eating, exercise and many other mind refreshing activities. These will in turn slow down your biological clock and make your body much younger.
Biological age, also known as physiological age or functional age, is distinct from chronological age. In addition to the passage of time, it takes into account a variety of biological and physiological development factors, including genetics, lifestyle, diet, and comorbidities.
Growing Young is focused on helping people reverse their aging process through natural methods like movement, nourishment and quality sleep!
As different individuals have varying biological factors, the company uses outcome-based biological factors to address problems and consistently work to get younger by reversing biological age.
Growing Young has established itself as India's first reverse aging service for those over 40 and attracted a lot of attention from clients who don’t conform to the social norms around aging.
Over the next decade, Samarth Baligar, the company's CEO and an NCCA Certified S&C Coach, wants to be instrumental in changing how the healthcare industry looks at patients - from a ‘solution’ standpoint to a ‘prevention’ standpoint!
‘’The way we look at aging has drastically shifted in the last decade. Soon, we will all have enough data about ourselves to help avoid misdiagnoses by doctors who themselves may not have enough up-to-date information.’’ says Samarth.
Samarth’s team works to ensure people avoid rampant ailments like heart diseases and type-2 diabetes by reversing their age to when they had more robust bodies. Moreover, he and his team aim to reduce the overall cost of misdiagnosis worldwide (it’s $750 billion/year in the US alone) by ensuring that doctors have support from multidisciplinary health professionals!
The Growing Young team helps their client’s goals by starting off with an in detail diagnosis from a healthcare professional and move on to providing personal training sessions with a certified health coach. The health coach helps individuals establish a stronger connection between their body and mind through various movement practices from strength and conditioning and bodyweight training to yoga and animal flow!
Growing Young always understands a client's basic needs through a scientific approach that identifies the root cause, including injuries and diseases. The team is able to customize a realistic plan that takes into account existing lifestyle and diet, and emphasizes form, mind-muscle connection and consistency.
The company's novel method of making 40+ aged people grow younger is a standout service that replaces the antiquated notion that life should be shortened in the modern world. With a new perspective on how to get the most out of biological age monitoring and improvement, the future is rich with possibilities!