Choose the mentor who can see right through your dreams-Know entrepreneur, mentor Jimy Singh

Everyone wants to strive for the mountain top but the reality is that true growth and happiness lie in the process of climbing. Being an entrepreneur is not about always starting a business venture. It is a way of looking through the window at the world and seeking opportunity when others see only difficulties and surely take risks while others take refuge. Our persona in the frame today has a similar perspective. In the year 2022, Jimy Singh has been honoured by the Mumbai business community for his business mentoring.
Jimy Singh - An Entrepreneur, Author, Startup Mentor, and Business Consultant. He is a bright young man and the Founder of Takoer established in the year 2021. Jimy is also the Founder of Manurbiz in the year 2019. He is also the Co-Founder of Sindoori Feb Tex Pvt Ltd which took off in the year 2017 and Despido Fashion and Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd which was established a decade ago in the year 2011. All of these ventures are still prospering and blooming in their uniqueness under the able mentorship of none other than Jimy Singh. He laid the foundation stones and constructed a strong crux of consistent efforts, dedication and commitment toward his work, and professional and personal values. Today he stands tall and proud bearing the fruits of his labour as a renowned mentor persona.
As it is rightly said that to find a great mentor who sees through his mentee and his dreams is when his life shall change forever. Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen to and of course a strong kick in the right direction. Through consultations, workshops, seminars, and courses, Jimy assists in guiding and pushing the growth of emerging entrepreneurs. Jimy Singh is a serial entrepreneur with experience in fashion, construction, business consultancy, and hospitality. Accomplished business management professional with experience in startup accelerators and incubation. He started his journey shortly after graduating from business management college in 2003. Cadre Stock, his first endeavour, is a hedge fund that provided investors with unexpectedly large returns and consultation.
Despido Fashion and Lifestyle, Jimy Singh's latest business, is an ensemble set of premium western fashion clothing, fashion & lifestyle magazine, and fashion events/parties featuring next-generation fashion designers who specialise in unique western fashion. Similar t this JImy also has another venture under the label Sindoori Febtex- a garment manufacturing company based in Mumbai, nominated for best MSME in 2020. It has a trademark brand. Despido Shop Retail, Despido Developers, and LeonardResorts and Hotels followed in his footsteps. In 2019, he decided to do something to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and startups who need assistance, information, and so on. As a result, he began mentoring startups and SMEs.
His most recent firm, MANURBIZ, is a startup accelerator service with a novel approach to managed enterprises. It is a business management service that assists early-stage startups and SMEs in the development and management of their enterprises. MANURBIZ plans and executes enterprises through their staff. It directs the development of business systems and the completion of all necessary tasks for the firm to run smoothly and easily. Thus it can be said that it is a unique concept for those businesses that can't handle all areas of management. Jimy’s team handles their business management and you just focus on what a businessman must do.
He plans to launch a new enterprise called 'TAKORE Venture,' which will be a startup incubator that will provide capital to startups in need.
Over the next five years, the goal is to coach and invest in 1 million new generation entrepreneurs. Jimy is launching "STARTUP DERBY 2023," a startup funding and mentorship event. That will begin in January 2023. Startups can enter via
So without much adieu drop a mail or connect with Jimy Singh through the following addresses-