Classcanyon - India’s First and Only Company Offering metaverse education

The Covid-19 pandemic shook the education industry to its core. 91 percent of students went online overnight. Teachers were obliged to speak with students via Zoom and Google Meet. While professors and students got by, student peers suffered from a lack of interaction. Physical classroom and lab environments were almost non-existent. The Metaverse has the potential to change that in the near future.
Aside from a lack of interest with the lessons, the much-needed casual social contact with other students and university personnel vanished from the regular university experience during this transition.
The ability to digitally interact with lecturers and students on Classcanyon while engaged in virtual classrooms would elevate online education beyond textbooks, films, and textual case studies.
Learning is already expanding outside of the four walls of the classroom, becoming multidisciplinary and application-based. The Metaverse education on Classcanyon now offers the option of virtual campus life, in which students can virtually experience the School or University atmosphere.
This also provides learners, regardless of location, with increased access to high-quality education. For example, the launch of the Kenya-KAIST virtual campus in September 2023, 60 kilometers from Nairobi's capital city, will allow the university to expand its reach across continents, bringing students together in a 'Metaverse' without leaving their native country.
There is a stronger emphasis on bridging subject boundaries and promoting interdisciplinary learning. Schools emphasize project-based learning, which entails application-oriented learning and the integration of several disciplines.
Students in the 3D Metaverse will be able to experience a place's culture, history, and geography while attempting to solve a mathematical problem, for example. The environment will be regularly updated with user-generated worlds that interconnect and give students with unprecedented platforms for deriving deeper meaning and problem solving.
Learning is becoming more about how learners want to learn - in situations with which they can relate and build. The purpose of 21st century learning is to prepare students to be innovators in an ever-changing world.
Metaverse will enable students to build their own avatars and fluidly transition from one platform to another. Every step of the journey will present a new learning opportunity, as well as the flexibility to explore and experiment without limits. Students, for example, may be able to participate in a far-reaching project that is linked with the global agenda. For example, it may accelerate interactions between leaders and scientists to participate in projects related to the Metaverse's sustainable development aims.
Teaching and learning already stretch well beyond the classroom, and as education becomes more learner-centered and data-driven, the role of the teacher must adapt and develop. It is the role of every educator to encourage students to take risks, be inventive, and become self-directed, lifelong learners.
Teachers of the future must be prepared to be data collectors, as well as analysts, planners, collaborators, curriculum specialists, problem solvers, and researchers, in light of a change toward a more individualized student experience.
The possibility of user-generated worlds exists in the metaverse, where teachers can curate or even design immersive learning settings and undertake collaborative research with their students. In this virtual world, there are opportunities for constructing formative assessments, as well as measuring and evaluating the success of informal learning.
However, the success of the Metaverse is determined by how many people embrace the concept of virtual experiences and participate in Metaverse concepts rather than by the technology. In the Metaverse, educators and education technology providers have a significant opportunity to find the best use-cases for experiential learning and develop more immersive, tailored experiences for their learners.
As it affects content creation and consumption, the Metaverse has the potential to bring in the next generation of learning and become a vital factor in the learning ecosystem.
The digital world is changing all the time. And, as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology becomes more widely available, it is also becoming more immersive. The advent of the metaverse, an augmented environment with a digital overlay, is expected to make both real and virtual life more participatory in the future, according to technology experts.
When we talk about "the Metaverse" now, it's akin to debating what "the internet" meant back in the 1990s. There are so many mistakes and myths out there that you may be completely perplexed. But don't worry, we've got you covered!
After the huge success of the other two Best-Selling and Highest-Rated courses - "the advanced program in 3d animation" & "advanced diploma in VFX", we've decided to create this First-Ever Metaverse Masterclass to bring you everything you need to know about the potential next big thing after the internet in human history- The Metaverse!
The experience will grow more natural and seamless as VR and AR headsets become more comfortable and simpler to wear, settings become more realistic, and technology improves. Today's learners are already accustomed to the early Metaverse, since 140 million people globally have played games such as Minecraft, and over 350 million have played Fortnite. The Metaverse's capabilities for engaging, gamified, collaborative, and task-oriented virtual learning make it a natural fit for the future classroom.
The Metaverse is a 3D virtual world that users can explore using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets. Although there are similarities to AR, VR, and it is considered the next generation of Second Life, the Metaverse is distinguished by its enormous vastness, connectedness, and interoperability. With social networks and user-generated content, one can create an avatar and buy and sell crypto currency.
The Metaverse movement is already having a transformative influence on social interactions, with global sales of AR/VR headsets increasing 56 percent from 2017 to 2021, reaching $2.6 billion last year. 17/1/22 (Euromonitor). Organizations and even nations will put money into their Metaverse strategy. South Korea, for example, already has a five-year strategy in place.
Hence, Classcanyon is India's first education platform that offers online metaverse education at reasonable prices by the expert educators!