Dr. Surabhi Solanki – The YouTube Channel of an Indian Doctor Shaping the Journey of Women’s Health and Lifestyle

Dr. Surabhi Solanki – The YouTube Channel of an Indian Doctor Shaping the Journey of Women’s Health and Lifestyle

Pregnancy and women’s health are matters of significant importance, as they are guided by both biological and socio-cultural practises prevalent in our society. As the foundation of the entire family, a woman's reproductive system necessitates making healthy lifestyle choices. Since the body of a woman undergoes a complete hormonal cycle every month, taking proper care to keep both mental and physical health balanced is vital.

Dr. Surabhi Solanki is a 42-year-old Indian YouTuber based in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, who has been playing a key role in shaping the journey of pregnant women by guiding them through her videos and content on approaching motherhood. Through her channel, she makes this transition phase of nine months easier as embracing motherhood in itself marks a stage of discovery and has its own set of challenges.

She also creates videos on birth control methods, as she strongly believes that making couples aware of various methods of contraception is the need of the hour. Unwanted pregnancies and subsequent abortions as a result of not using contraception or incorrect or inconsistent use are one of the major problems she felt needed to be addressed, and her content on these topics has garnered thousands of views, reflecting this.

Dr. Surabhi is of the opinion that the demonetization of her videos on abortion was a major setback for her in the beginning, as she strongly believes that every woman has the right to decide for herself on matters concerning pregnancy and whether she wants to continue the same or not. She further states that as it is her own body, no one else has the right to impose this on her forcefully, neither the family nor the government or law.

Her inspiration for starting her YouTube channel came from an online conversation with a Canadian woman she met virtually and became friends with. As Dr. Surabhi came to know that her friend wanted to start a YouTube channel and she intended to help her, she started watching YouTube videos on how to start a YouTube channel. After sharing a bunch of such videos with her, Dr. Surabhi was motivated to start her own YouTube channel in March 2020 and completed the milestone of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time within 2 months.

She gained around 1 lakh subscribers in a short span of nine months after starting her channel, and the number has been growing continuously since then. Dr. Surabhi takes utmost pride in stating that her channel is soon about to reach the benchmark of 5 lakh subscribers within a month.

After years of experience in this field, Dr. Surabhi feels the need to address the issue of setting up birth control centres and humbly requests the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the honourable Prime Minister of the country, Sri Narendra Modi, to take a step forward to connect the nexus between advocating women's rights and welfare and Beti bachao and Beti padhao by addressing India’s urgent need for separate birth control centres in all towns.

She urges that the matter be taken seriously as such facilities, which are provided in the government women's hospitals in the districts, are already overburdened with the routine work of childbirth and the treatment of women's diseases. In this regard, the setting up of a separate birth control centre in every town will have many benefits, like making women aware of the best contraceptive method suited to them according to their particular situation and providing a safe place for girls or women who need abortions.

Dr. Surabhi Solanki dedicates her success to her father, Honourable Justice Prafulla C Pant, former judge of Supreme Court of India, who has instilled the values of honesty and sincerity in her. She recalls being handed over the Bhagvad Gita at the young age of fifteen and being taught the virtue of focusing on one’s own karma and leaving rest to the God. With these values, she hopes to inspire and continue to excel in the field of creating a safer world for women and making their journey in life easier.

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