Elizabeth Akinniyi from Lagos is creating ripples in the writing industry

Elizabeth Akinniyi is an award winning poet and writer, who is so passionate about her writing andt alents.She was born in Lagos Nigeria and lives in Lagos with her family.
She started writing two years ago, but before she started writing she was a business woman andf ounder of Esffa trading Enterprises till date.
She studied geology in the university, but choose to go into teaching and coaching, as a life coach and mentoring.
She loves this; cos it gives her utmost happiness, transforming lives and making others happy.
Like she say” it’s so sad when you see people sinking in sorrow, depression. And making life crashingm istakes, and not have anyone help get back to track.This made her switch career and decide to life coaching and mentoring. Like she will say” life is full of surprises so be flexible to change”.
Her career in writing started, when she was motivated by her best friend who wrote short hilarious,funny quote on your quote app.
Her free spirit towards others is endearing, and this really helped her to mix into the world of writers.
Like she said: she has a burning passion in within to just do that. Although in her college days, she was a script writer and actress for a drama group in the college campus, but she never took it serious back then, she said it was all for fun.
Years down the lane, she is turning her fun into reality. She is so passionate about art and writing, so she uses her writing to teach, motivate, entertain, inspire her readers.
Her writing style is based on real life happening and what she sees around her. So she prefers the realityin her writings so as to connect to her readers.
She loves writing poetic stories and poems with lessons to learn from it. She wants her readers to connect and also get enlightened as they read.
She has won several awards this year and title as a writer, co author, poetess amongst is:
• Emerging personality award
• Momentous awards
• Talented 30 awards
• Elite books awards
• Rising global writer
• Rabindranath Tagore
She has participated in 20+ anthologies till date and decided it’s time to go solo with her own book.
She’s presently compiling her anthology with 8 other writers, in a special anthology she dedicated to all fathers.
She plans to launch the book in the first quarters of 2022.
She’s also working on an anthology with Mannianest publications presently.
Also she is presently putting structure together for her first novel for next year.
She’s Keeping it in not ready to talk about it presently but only give hints due to her introverted nature.
She’s really motivated by the help she has gotten so far and like she will say “ India has been so good to me. Lovely people with lovely hearts”
Apart from her writing, business and life coaching; she is a pranic healer and learned the art of energy healing and she uses this to take care of the sick.
You can say Elizabeth is full of different abilities and surprises. She launched her podcast on Spotify and anchor FM recently. ( Elizabeth akinniyi”writinglance”) where she is able to share her poetic stories, and also ,use it as a way to share views, and insights as a life coach
She’s motivated, and believes 2022 is a year of greater achievement and success.
She loves to read, sing, dance, cook, travel and visit new places and also make new friends.