What is PRP Therapy
PRP treatment is also known as platelet rich plasma treatment. For this, only the blood of the person who is treated is used. It is kept for some time so that the plasma along with the platelets gets collected in the tube. It is rich in growth factors, which are used to build tissue and repair old damaged tissue. PRP contains 5 times more plasma than normal blood.
The treatment is done by platelets to heal wounds, so they are used for hair loss. 20 ml of blood is taken at a time, from which after separating platelets, activator is added, which works to activate platelets. So that where hair loss is happening, it can work in a better way.
PRP proves to be a very fruitful treatment in preventing hair loss as it triggers natural hair growth and increases the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes PRP therapy is combined with other procedures and medications for better results. This is based on the severity of the problem.
Several sittings are needed for this process to be completed. This treatment not only increases hair growth, but also strengthens the hair follicle. It may sound painful with the needles being inserted and the blood drawn, but during this treatment the entire area is numbed so that there is no pain of any kind. After this process neither there is any mark nor there is need to take any medicine.
Hair loss cannot be stopped in one go. This requires several sittings. This process is effective to overcome the hair problem but cannot be relied upon to stop hairfall completely.
PRP is being liked a lot these days to keep facial glow and hair healthy. It is widely used after hair transplant so that the hair can get the right growth. Although this process alone is not sufficient for hair, it has to be kept in mind that there is no deficiency of vitamins in the body, balanced diet and some supplements may also have to be taken, but it is a very effective process to get the glow of the face.
How to prepare for hair fall PRP treatment?
- Avoid any agents that thin the blood, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, garlic, flax, cod liver oil, multivitamins, and essential fatty acids, for at least two weeks before the procedure.
- Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen for at least seven days before the procedure. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used before treatment, if needed.
- Avoid direct exposure to the sun for at least seven days prior to the procedure.
- Inform your doctor about any medications, supplements, or herbs you may be taking. before the procedure
- Follow the doctor's recommendation on whether to continue it or not.
- Avoid alcohol consumption for at least three days before the procedure.
- Quit smoking at least two weeks before the procedure.
- It is usually okay to color your hair up to 7 days before the procedure.
- Other hair loss treatments such as laser treatments, medications (such as minoxidil), or hormone-blocking medications can usually be continued prior to the PRP procedure.
- Increase fluid intake the day before the procedure.
- Drink 500 ml of water at least two hours before the procedure.
- Shampoo your hair thoroughly the morning of your treatment.
- Avoid using hair gels, sprays, or other styling products on the day of the procedure.
Side effects None
No external substances are included in this treatment, due to which there is no risk of any kind of side effects. Nor is there any allergy of any kind. PRP also contains a significant amount of white blood corpuscles (granules), which protect against infection.
For More Information
About Author
Dr. Izharul Hasan is a renowned Unani Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Trichologist and Consultant Physician in New Delhi. He has 16 years of experience in medical field. He has been awarded Doctor of Science award - 2022, Gold medal award by ACS institute rajasthan - 2021 award, Modern Lifestyle Diseases: Awareness and Prevention - 2011 award, Expert Perspectives: Optimizing Treatment of Constipation related functional gastro intestinal disorders - 2008 award, Experts in the Hot Seat: Chronic Urticaria by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and USA - 2007 award. He has completed his MD - Unani from Rajiv Gandhi University in 2009. He currently practices at Herbal Medicine Clinic in Karol Bagh(Delhi). He is a prominent member of The British Council for Complementary Therapies.