Let's meet "Relationship Wellness and Sundating Coach "Ritika Vasudev".

Ritika Vasudev is CEO and founder of SUNDATING WELLNESS. She has given google the unique word “SUNDATING” which did not exist in their data search until she created the powerful transformational Sundating ritual for healing lives in 2020 and has become a life long "Sundater".
Sundating Wellness is a coaching and wellness business working with one purpose and mission. The mission is to heal lives for growth and to make people fall in love with themselves again to create their desired life.
The vision is to transform as many lives as possible to live abundantly, joyfully and most importantly beautifully by becoming love.
Ritika Vasudev is a multi-faceted dynamic personality. Coach Ritz as fondly called is the Beauty and Wellness consultant, NLP coach cum practitioner, Access Consciousness Bars facilitator, yoga and meditation instructor, certified positive intelligence coach, and author.
She is a corporate trainer / personal mentor, and an intuitive relationship healer more than anything.
She has more than two decades of corporate experience in leadership roles. She has worked with companies like IL&FS, Revlon, and VLCC to name a few.
After working for decades in training and mentoring roles she realized her gift for shifting her teams, and colleagues limiting beliefs for good. This made her transition to full-time coaching, starting all over to pursue her passion for making people see the gift of love by overcoming inner conflicts.
She keeps upgrading her skills regularly to serve her clients to the highest standards. According to her, self-investment is the best kind of investment that always yield higher returns. A changemaker at heart and a thought leader is what describes her the best.
As an intuitive relationship wellness healer, she has transformed more than 200+ lives to heal and build conscious relationships with self and family.
She is very kind, compassionate, and giving.
She radiates an aura that can put anyone to ease in the first time.
Her Mantra is simple regarding the "wellness of a relationship". It is
YOU are meant to be who YOU are
YOU are YOUR own creation
Stand up, step up and speak up
Be your own VOICE
You may have every material you ever want for but deep down in your soul you notice that there is still something missing something feels empty and uncomfortable as well feel relatable right?
Coach Ritz is able to fill in that missing energy the gap of going for it and stepping back on it she wants you to find that courage to go for what you wish to shamelessly her unique and nurturing Method can introduce you to a space of peace joy and self-love.
Indeed an internationally certified coach the vast experience behind her has guided many passionately positively and fearlessly.
She has a global clientele. She believes in healing from the soul for truly transformational results.
Her signature programs for corporates and individuals are unique and result oriented. Her programs including " SunDating Ritual" and meditations to recover from the darkness of sadness, anxiety, stress, anger, depression and most importantly heartbreak are highly recommended.
The program takes you to the root cause of your problem with ease to heal with her.
She helps her clients gain clarity to move forward and toward their desired life.
Even one session with her is powerful in creating the mind to shift from confusion to clarity and allows the heart to lighten up.
She has corporate workshops for team building, improving self confidence and performance by addressing the deeper limiting beliefs pertaining to self-worth and confidence.
For individuals, she offers one-to-one coaching sessions and group meditations. She runs transformational healing retreats amidst nature to reconnect with self.
She has appeared on many podcasts and has published articles to her credit.
To know more on "sundating" or organising session, inquiries, Resource speakership, and personal mentoring, you may connect with her team at