Mayaa SH |"Please Be Alert People"

Mayaa SH |"Please Be Alert People"
corporate juggernaut, Mayaa SH is  a recognised crusader on Indian’s contemporary verve of economics, freedom of the press, gender neutrality and human rights.Mayaa SH is a known name in contemporary literature and is a multi National and State Award Winner,a Podcaster, an Artist ,a Record Chart Topping International Fastest Anthology Co-Authoress and a twelve times World Record Holder. She is driven by passion to write and compose. She has love for grammar and mental health awareness by engaging in talk as remedial navigation through any situation. She always tries to look for ways to merge the two. She is an avid enthusiast for the three C’s : Character , Charisma  and Chivalry. Be it, writing; debating or counselling; she makes sure to dedicate time to every such field wherein the reach is extensive and dedicated towards people in order to make her dreams reach countless souls. She is a suicide prevention expert and has transformed lives of many for a better second innings in life for those who have lost the zeal to live again.