"Unleash the Wrath: Anger of The Mountain God - Dive into Epic Mythical Adventure! With Author Kaling Dai

- What motivated you to write this specific novel, and how did the plot develop?
Ans. The inspiration for this book came from my early days as a medical officer, a role I found myself in.The story I conceived was a reflection of my experiences, told through the lens of a fictional character I created.
- Could you provide us some details about how you write? Do you have any special rituals or a set schedule that you follow to help you enter the creative flow?
Ans. I don’t adopt a particular writing process; I write whenever I feel like it, and I don’t sit for hours to do it. My laptop is most of the time with me, and that facilitates me picking things up and texting. But I find the smooth flow of my thoughts at specific periods, like in September and October, something I cannot explain.
- The characters in your book are incredibly unique and unforgettable. Did they develop solely from your imagination, or are they based on actual people?
Ans. Two of the characters are real people who I worked with and the rest are imaginary.
- Your book explores a particular topic or problem. What inspired you to investigate this issue, and what ideas or conversations do you want readers to have after reading your writing?
Ans. I intend to tell a story that I believe readers will read and enjoy leisurely. It is not like reading a book and burdening one’s own thoughts. The setting of the story is in the early seventies, and it is about how hard people working in the hinterland toiled and survived.
- In your book, the world-building is very detailed and captivating. What steps did you take to create the environment, and were there any historical events or real-world locales that you found inspiring?
Ans. As I said, I worked in a similar situation as a medical officer, but the major portion of the story is purely imaginary.
- How do you, as a writer, strike a balance between the demands of the genre and the desire for originality? Did you face any difficulties interpreting well-known components in your own way?
Ans. I believe in creating a purely original story, so it was not much of an issue with me.
- The pacing of the story is well-crafted, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. Can you share your approach to maintaining tension and momentum throughout the narrative?
Ans. Honestly, I write as the flow of thoughts comes to my mind naturally. In this particular book, which is mine first, I didn't create the plot in advance but wrote it as it came to mind automatically.
- How do you envision the function of conventional storytelling changing in the age of quickly evolving media and reader preferences? How do you modify your writing to appeal to modern audiences?
Ans. It is a rather tricky situation where the taste and style of reading and writing are fast changing; however, traditional storytelling still has a say amongst the readers if presented in a way they prefer.
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