1. Aiming for India 2035, Mahasetu Solutions LLP launches IMAGINE INNOVATION and EXPLORE ENTREPRENEURSHIP program for the Indian youth

Mahasetu Solutions LLP was started in 2019 to support the public sector employees who selflessly serve the general public. Increased workload and always being on alert has put the burden on existing resources (Human resource and Infrastructure) and the expectations to be flawless and constantly updated brings in the importance of upskilling. Our programs provide suitable and sustainable solution for Capacity building and Grievance Redressal. We help bridge the gap between the employee and the senior most management to inculcate a “We” culture in the work environment. This is tactically done by bringing about a behavioural change in them which changes their perspective of looking at issues. Such a program makes the workplace more open, welcoming, and approachable for their employees so that it encourages employees to raise concerns without fear of reprisal.
Our scope of discussion includes Infrastructure, Technology, Management Policies and Procedures, Employee Disputes with Peers and Management, Employee Utilization and Optimization, Employee Attrition Issues, Economic Matters / Savings, Supply Chain Management, Health and Welfare Amenities, Safety and Security.
The key is to work with the human and employee psychology in bringing about a change while performing a 360-degree problem assessment. Such an approach would guarantee sustainability. Our program helps improve employee effectiveness by being resourceful and providing an anonymous platform to discuss unidentified issues. On an organizational front, we also help in policy-making and execution, to help achieve the desired goal. We have conducted such sessions across India in both government and private sectors. We have over 30,000+ happy employees who have been benefitted after the implementation of the discussed possible solutions in the sessions.
Our new segment, IMAGINE INNOVATION and EXPLORE ENTREPRENEURSHIP helps young minds understand the difference between Innovation and Manufacturing with a long-term aim is to make India a Global Manufacturer, Global Innovator, Global Influencer and a Global Leader.
India has the highest youth population in the world, but rather than tapping the rising opportunities for job creation and entrepreneurship, youth is falling prey to Global investors by becoming a consumer. For the last 4 years, Mahasetu Solutions LLP has been inspiring young minds to the path of entrepreneurship and innovation so that they prove to be a valuable asset to India’s economic growth. As a part of the program the individuals will be given exposure to 50 companies falling under 20 different sectors. They would be provided with sector information, production, designing, market insights, software, hardware, raw materials etc. This would help them bring about a shift from local knowledge to Global Entrepreneurship / Global opportunities.
With accessibility to online resources which encourages learning and helps acquire new skills, youth have been able to explore the world of creativity and innovation. It is important to inculcate the idea of a “Self-made” India in them. We suggest starting as early as 8th grade so that by the time he is 21 years old he will be an employer. Also, with urbanization the cities are getting overpopulated, disrupting the existing infrastructure. The need of the hour is to provide youth the nudge to start something of their own without leaving the villages. Such a change can be brought about only with the support of their family, the village, and the state/Central governments. Mahasetu Solutions LLP had the opportunity to take sessions for youth in villages and also in metropolitan cities. Thus, giving us a clear picture of the situation and understanding their roadblocks. In both cases, the problems are similar and concern the youth and their parents/guardians. These can be solved only by the interference of the state and central governments. Mahasetu Solutions LLP has been working out possible solutions with the government to make this program a success.
To register for IMAGINE INNOVATION and EXPLORE ENTREPRENEURSHIP program visit our website https://mahasetu.in/
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