A Money Tree – Turbocharging Profits since 2010

A Money Tree – Turbocharging Profits since 2010

A Boutique Firm set amidst a quaint neighbhourhood in Mumbai, in the year 2001, emerged into a Niche Leader when it re-packaged and re-branded itself into it’s current Avatar in 2010.

Serial Entrepreneurs and Financial Management Professionals Dhanashree Bhatkal [FCA-MBA] & Suman Makhija [MBA], had partnered successfully in various projects and business deliveries until then. From their own learning curve and the successful turn-around they built in their own ventures, they decided to serve the niche of aspiring Entrepreneurs and Business Owners with what matters most – Profits!

Designed to help Business Owners see more profits, their Core Service ‘Business Transformation’ comes from their proven belief that every business has that hidden potential of saving costs by a minimum 8% with only a basic change of structure. With no additional funds or major changes.

Throw in Some innovative product enhancements, pricing strategy changes, team training & a fresh look at the Go-to-market strategy and you might actually have a hidden Gem that can be optimized by up to 3 times of the current scales.

Dhanashree, the Managing Founder & the official spokesperson for A Money Tree says

Most Business owners run for more funds to solve business problems, and the system out there is looking to dish out loans for their own benefit. This puts them on a downward spiral. When Businesses fail or do not make as much profit as they should, there is something fundamentally wrong. It’s like taking a pill for the fever without treating what’s causing it. We work as catalysts, our mission is to help business owners become profitable, and if they already are then to add a multiplier effect to them.’


Their New Launch comes in the form of a ‘Financial Health Checkup’ – a detailed study of how your business works currently, and an unbiased report on where you might be able to enhance and tweak it to take it to the next level. The Recommendations are fairly detailed and with this Report almost anyone would be able to find ways to fill the gaps and create their own turn around! It is a 30-day process with minimal involvement on part of the business owners. The Turn-around however depends on the implementation that the business owners are able to bring about.

Their Operations Head says ‘We find that the gap comes from the fact that Business owners, especially new entrepreneurs are often lost and their plans can be a result of what they hear and the advice they receive, far from the ground reality. They may not always be able to engage us, so we found a midway. We are taking a few steps forward to help those business owners get a ready roadmap from us which they can then follow through and implement on their own! It can also be an easy way for them to find out for themselves if they must engage deeper with us.’

The more exhaustive and deeper engagements come in the form of Consultation & Coaching Models that may range from 60-day fixed projects to long term Retainer Engagements.

As a part of the support services they also offer Tax Management & Accounting Services, but to put it in their own words “They would rather help Ventures transform to their best version than only support them with routine functions!”

To know more or to Book a No-Obligation Exploratory Call you can reach out on: https://www.amoneytreeonline.com/contact or email sales@amoneytreeonline.com