Building Financial Security: Aakarsh Leads the Way to Financial Independence for 200 Families

In an era where financial uncertainty looms large, Aakarsh Dalmia is leading the charge to help Indian families achieve financial security and financial independence. Aakarsh Dalmia, a Certified Financial Planner with six years of experience, has made a significant impact by guiding 200 families through the complexities of savings and investments.

Building Financial Security: Aakarsh Leads the Way to Financial Independence for 200 Families

Aakarsh's mission is driven by a scary set of statistics. "Did you know that over 70% of Indians still rely on informal savings like keeping cash at home, or investing in savings schemes?" Aakarsh asks, his concern evident. "This leaves them unprotected from inflation and prevents their money from growing. And worse, less than 10% of Indians have adequate life insurance, meaning lacs of families are left vulnerable if the unexpected happens."

In addition to these figures, more than 80% of Indians don’t have a retirement plan, thus exposing them to financial hardship in their old days, and around 90% are either underinsured or have zero coverage when it comes to health coverage. This puts families at significant financial risk, as one medical emergency could wipe out their life long savings. "Majority of the population also lacks basic financial knowledge," Aakarsh points out. "This leads to poor decisions about saving and investing, which only deepens the crisis."

In response to these alarming statistics, Aakarsh understands that investing money can be intimidating, especially for those without much knowledge and experience. "My goal is to break down these complexities," 

My Business: A Customer-Centric Approach

At the core of Aakarsh’s work is his financial product distribution company, which provides personalized, client-focused investment solutions. His philosophy is simple: Investment should never be a one-size-fits-all model. "Everyone’s financial journey is different," he explains. "My clients range from families looking to secure their children's future to young professionals building wealth, and retirees managing their savings. My job is to help them address their unique needs."

Aakarsh offers a full suite of financial services. He helps his clients build mutual fund portfolios that align with their risk profile, financial goals, providing long-term wealth creation. He also guides families in choosing suitable and adequate life insurance coverage, which offers peace of mind knowing that loved ones will be financially secure in the event of a tragedy. Health insurance, another pillar of his service, protects clients from the financial burden of medical emergencies.

Understanding His Clients

Aakarsh’s clients come from all walks of life, but they share a common goal: financial independence. "These are people who value security and future planning," Aakarsh explains. "They don’t just want to live comfortably today; they want to ensure that their future, and their family’s future, is secure."

His clients are from all walks of life, like parents, who want to create a college fund for their children, young professionals eager to start their investment journey, or retirees looking to stretch their savings through their golden years. Aakarsh’s approach is to listen carefully, understand their unique situations, and guide them through the investment and insurance process that will lead them toward financial stability and independence.

Aakarsh’s Vision for the Future

Having already won the trust of 200 families for their investments and protection, Aakarsh is determined to expand his reach even further. "Helping 200 families has been incredibly rewarding and satisfying as a professional, but my goal is to help 1,000 families achieve the same level of security and independence," he says. His vision is clear: he wants to make financial freedom accessible to as many families as possible, ensuring that they have the tools and knowledge to control their financial futures.

For anyone looking to start their journey toward financial independence, Aakarsh is ready to help. He offers personalized one to one meeting to understand everyone’s financial matters and their challenges. "I’m here to simplify the process and give people the confidence to take control of their financial futures," he says with conviction. All our process is fully online and digital, you stay in any corner of India or the World and we can help you with your investments and protection requirements, he adds.

Aakarsh can be contacted at 9051355120 or via email at for a one-on-one conversation on how to start your wealth accumulation journey.

As Aakarsh continues to make an impact, one thing is certain: he’s not just managing finances — he’s transforming lives, one family at a time.