Kblissaastrology’s Journey is an Inspiration to Millions Out There

Astrology has always fascinated people in one way or the other. It is a fact, a fact that has allured people from various backgrounds and places. This is a deeper subject, the more you dig deeper the more you are fascinated by it and the more it attracts you.
Kblissaastrology was founded by Kailash & Shrey Ahluwalia, he was a businessman who was very active in Hotel and Hospitality sector but was always fascinated by astrology and all the divine mysteries that are present in the world. It started years ago when he saw his father, who was an astrologer too, he grew up seeing it and was always around it but during the initial phase of his life he took up hospitality and handicrafts as his career choices which though were alright and he was doing well but the feeling to follow astrology was always there so he took the step and followed the footsteps of his father. His mother was also a crystal healer, both of his parents inspired him and continuous to do so even today.
Shrey has made his name in the world of astrology through his work that his highly appreciated and commended across his pear and colleagues with over 98% accuracy in his predictions, forecasts he has earned respect. His clients include renowned personalities, celebrities, politicians and influencers. Kblissastrolgy was started with the aim to help people find purpose, have mental peace and to allow people to know themselves better.
Based in Delhi Shrey Ahluwalia qualified and trained Astro-vastu consultant, an entrepreneur, an astrologer, tarot card reader and numerologist. He has helped thousands of people find a purpose and the ‘light’ in their life. Life is uncertain and unpredictable; people always crave for solutions to their problems and at Kblissastrology they provide whatever you ask for. The answers, the solutions and they even tell you how to avoid things that may not be in your favor.
There is a very common perception about how educated and degree holders can believe in astrology but it is far from truth, astrology is for everyone and irrespective of your background, education and degree it shows to the correct path. Shrey, for instance has not just provided his services in India but he is doing so across the globe via online methods. He also holds workshops, webinars, seminars and discussions about astrology where he talks about his experiences, his journey and how astrology has changed lives— for the good.
People are always fond to know about their love life, professional life, business, their career and everything that they hold, hence they are always excited when they hear about astrology. It is a proved fact that astrology is science and with proper knowledge and experience people predict future. The experts at Kblissastrology hold over 20 plus years of experience in different field and each one of them has wide stance of knowledge. They hold expertise in field of Love, Career, Health, Education, Marriage, Finance, Child Astro and a lot of other topics as well.
With the clientele all across the globe, he has gained reputation with his work and aura that he holds. Let us have a look on what his clients have to say about his services;
One of the customers says,
“Astrologer Shrey Ahluwalia is a zestful astrologer who provides online services worldwide. It is from this that the person not only gets information about a particular subject, but also focuses on various essential elements of life.”
Another client shares his experience and he writes,
“Namaste Shrey. Since you and Dad have been doing 'our readings' and providing us with 'remedies', our lives have changed for the better. These changes we experienced are in our Spiritual, Financial, Social, Mental and Health aspects. In all these areas we see improvement. I also am very grateful for your facilitation and coordination of all the Poojas that I had to do in India. I hope you continue with the great work that you and Dad are doing.”
With his skillset and his experience, he has mastered a lot of things and helps during the trouble he is the door to exit all the troubles. Currently, Shrey Ahluwalia is practicing, researching, and still learning about this ancient science.
Shrey in an interview mentioned that he is grateful for a family who has so willingly adapted to our ever-changing dynamic because of the demands of growing a business, who have remained supportive despite these changes often resulting in heavier responsibilities to fill the gaps in keeping our household going.
I feel so very lucky to witness the impact that our efforts have had on the lives of others and to be given the chance to continue to move forward to help others, empower others through the art our team has created.
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