Mastering the Art of Timing the Indian Stock Market - A Motivational Journey of Arvind Bajaj, a businessman & a successful stock investor!

It is one thing to have the talent, and it is another thing to pursue it, nurture it, and grow it to become an authority. This boils down to hardwork, sincerity, and passion to standout & make a difference. And this is exactly that makes the journey of Arvind Bajaj, a textile businessman from Surat & numero uno boarder on Moneycontrol, so very fruitful.

Mastering the Art of Timing the Indian Stock Market - A Motivational Journey of Arvind Bajaj, a businessman & a successful stock investor!

Arvind Bajaj (or jackpot king as he is popularly known as in the world of Indian stock market) or "arvind151" (the identity that lacs of stock market investors resonate with on India's top stock market platform Moneycontrol) started out in the stock market in early 2000s and since then he has never looked back. Take this for a journey - he started investing himself, mastering the nuances of technical & fundamental analysis, and more critically evolved his own unique model of "trend analysis" for stocks and sectors, which is a rare skill to master.

Stock investing was his passion and he has pursued it fully to become a renowned stock market analyst and the topmost boarder on Moneycontrol message forum. He has been sharing his important views on numerous stocks via the Moneycontrol forum that is accessible by millions for free. He has become famous over the years for his timely suggestions not just for entry in right stocks or right sectors, but also for exit from certain stocks and certain sectors. And he has been clear with his golden principles of investing - which he has listed on his "arvind151" profile on Moneycontrol so that even newcomers to stock markets can follow the best practices of investment.

Apart from this, he is an icon of positivity - always sharing positive thoughts & actions which keeps everyone motivated. And Arvind Bajaj has been someone who doesn't stop - he believes that "work is workship" and this belief backed by action has seen his Facebook page cross 2.4 lac followers, his website cross 50,000 visitors every month, and his SEBI-registered firm ABMR (Arvind Bajaj Money Rain) having a long waiting queue for premium membership package - that entitles people to views & suggestions related to Indian equities & stock market trends. Just imagine this - the ABMR firm we are talking about was started only in 2016; and it has already seen an euphoric demand.

To understand his expertise, one just has to check out the large number of multibagger stocks that have emerged over the years from his contribution on Moneycontrol forum as well as his website & Facebook page - investors have been blessed to earn millions in different stocks like GMM Pfaudler, Nilkamal,  Tata Investment, Reliance Industries, Vedanta, Tinplate, Deepak Fertilizers, Maan Aluminium, Kabra Extrusion, Ponni Sugar, Tata Elxsi, and many many more. People who have been following Arvind Bajaj or ABMR (Arvind Bajaj Money Rain Financial Services), have learnt the art of being patient with your good investments in order to create wealth.

For Arvind Bajaj, the process is simple - be grateful and let your positive thoughts be backed by positive actions to bring more "money rain" and "rain of good health" in your life! When you have experts like Arvind Bajaj who not only help their own members, but are always available for people who are serious about stock market investing - just check out his profile "arvind151" on Moneycontrol board where he replies to every comment from the members; and to think of it; that is a free to access forum. How many such genuine stock market experts exist in India? You can literally count them on your fingertips - and Arvind Bajaj is definitely one of them with an ever-increasing popularity across platforms. You name it and he is there - website, Moneycontrol, Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. The list keeps growing just like the money keeps growing for people who invest smartly.

His is a story that needs to be heard, understood, and taken into consideration by all.