Mita Banerjee – A Valiant Warrior of the Voiceless

Mita Banerjee – A Valiant Warrior of the Voiceless

Advocate Mita Banerjee is a prominent practising Advocate at the Calcutta High Court, a well-known personality in both the legal and the socio-political sectors. She is a member of the Bar Library Club (Barristers Club Library). A powerful voice across spaces of law, transcending Cast, Class, and Socio-Economic backgrounds, she has been successfully practising as an Advocate and a Councel in various fields of Law, and aptly termed the “Iron Lady” always stands by her clients to get Justice. For her valiant efforts, she has been selected as a Delegate of World Youth Model United Nations in 2022 as well as being honoured with a host of Awards. She fights for the causes that matter to all of us, and does it in a way that inspires others to join in large numbers. “Being a voice for the voiceless” is the mantra she follows throughout her professional as well as personal life. She alone brings new meaning to the words “Advocate at Law”. 

True, Fearless & Dedicated define her as a Friend and Your Advocate. 

This year, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly at Thailand on "The Historical Dilemma of the Land of Israel , the roots of Current Humanitarian Crisis and the way Beyond", she stated 

Our stance is to restore humanity. History of Jewish peoples are very heart wrenching and horrific, since they were religiously persecuted intermittently, by all who were powerful and more in numbers. Perhaps we cannot imagine what is the emotional condition may arise to take refuge but, we are well aware of the consequences of religious persecution. No one can deprive any person, just because those persons belongs to any specific religion, from the blessings of mother nature- "survival of the fittest is the jungle's Law, and survival of all is Human's law". 

To protect humanity United Nations should directly interfere at "OPT" by providing food essentials for human life and mentoring people about true meaning of religion, whether it may be in Palestine or in Kashmir where we see exodus of minority Kashmiri Pandit who are facing human slaughter by Kashmiri Muslim who are in majority and in Bangladesh, minority Hindu's are facing extreme religious persecution due to which their population has reduced to in 3% from 33%.


United nations should open Court in every country where deprived human-being can raise their voice for justice so that no one can deny their fundamental right to get justice.

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Advocate Mita Banerjee