Road to Success : Journey of a Housewife to a Cafe Entrepreneur

Nowadays, restaurants & high ticket fooding & sitting areas are the second choices of customers, most people need some small concept to sit with friends, family & office colleague.
Sitting on a roadside tea stall is not a status symbol & luxury too, so coffee shops or small cafes are becoming the first choice for these kind of customers,
Starting a coffee shop business in India is profitable as well as a lucrative option.
Furthermore, cafe shop chains are gaining popularity among the masses.
India is now the world’s 10th fastest-growing market for specialist coffee and tea retail chains, valued at Rs 2,570 crore in 2018 followed by fast foods, says a report by market researchers.
The café chain market, led by Cafe Coffee Day and Tata Starbucks, is also one of the fastest growing categories in the consumer food service industry, estimated to grow 6.9% a year to Rs 4,540 crore by 2023 in value sales at constant prices exclusive of inflation.
In comparison, the Rs 12,845-crore carbonated soft drinks market, though on a much larger base, is estimated to grow at 3% a year for the next five years.
In this sequence Jaipur as an upcoming metro city having a lot of new cafe explosions in the last 2-3 years.
Ms. Dimple Sharma was seeking such kind of business for future growth, now she is running her cafe named "Chai 7/11" in Jaipur, Rajasthan
At the beginning of her journey, she faced a lot of challenges, like location, products, staff, investment etc.
With this idea she was struggling in her mind for a long while, after a lot of surveys she finalised a common product as - "Chai"
This product is likely worldwide & 90% of the indian public like a cup of tea, so Dimple Sharma finalised the same demanding product as a base drink & other items like fast foods (Pizza, Burger, Snaks, fries, buns, Maggie, mocktails, shakes, drinks coffee) added in the delicious menu later on.
Now Dimple is running her main outlet at Chitrakoot stadium, Jaipur city along with a franchise in another city of Rajasthan i.e. Bhilwara city
She is happy to say in her own words - " I feel happy to see our customers sipping a cup of tea with friends, but Nothing was easy, I struggled a lot to reach here"
She is planning to expand with more franchises in future, she knows that further journey will not be easy also, satisfying all customers is the core value of Chai 7/11
When it comes to the income from Chai 7/11, she made in the last 2-3 months consequently is approx 1.2 Lac from each cafe.
Expansion of the Franchise model is in the pipeline within the next 2-3 months, We hope for a bright future ahead.