What is Motherhood Guilt and How Growup Technologies is on a Mission to Eradicate It

What is Motherhood Guilt and How Growup Technologies is on a Mission to Eradicate It

Motherhood guilt—it’s a feeling that many working mothers know all too well. It’s the tug at your heart when you miss a school recital for a meeting or the overwhelming sense of guilt for trying to balance a career with parenting. Despite giving their best at both work and home, mothers often feel like they’re failing at both.
This guilt stems from societal expectations, the pressure to be a perfect parent, and the demands of the modern workforce. It’s exhausting and can be mentally and emotionally draining, often leaving mothers feeling like they are stretched too thin. The sad reality is that many women, faced with this guilt, make the tough decision to leave their careers, placing their ambitions on hold indefinitely.
The Mission of Growup Technologies
Growup Technologies recognises this challenge and aims to change the narrative around working mothers. We believe that no woman should have to choose between a fulfilling career and being present for her family. That's why more than 95% of our workforce is made up of women, predominantly mothers who have left traditional workplaces due to the pressures of juggling work and family.
At Growup, we empower these women by offering remote job opportunities, allowing them to work from the comfort of their homes, on flexible schedules that suit their family lives. Whether it’s managing business operations, handling social media, or supporting executives, our Virtual Assistants (VAs) are thriving in roles that not only harness their skills but also provide the work-life balance they need to be both successful professionals and dedicated mothers.
How We’re Eradicating Motherhood Guilt
Growup is more than a company; it’s a movement to create a workplace culture where motherhood is celebrated and respected. We are eliminating the guilt by fostering an environment of empathy, flexibility, and support. Here’s how we do it:
Flexible Work Schedules – Our VAs set their hours, allowing them to work during nap times, school hours, or even after bedtime. This freedom to structure their workday means they don’t have to sacrifice family time for a paycheck.
Remote-First Approach – By prioritizing remote work, Growup removes the pressure of daily commutes, long office hours, and the need for physical presence in a traditional office. Our VAs can work from anywhere, allowing them to balance school runs, and playdates, and work seamlessly.
Supportive Community – We’ve built a community of like-minded working mothers who support and uplift each other. Through peer mentoring, training, and shared experiences, our VAs help each other navigate the challenges of working motherhood.
Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling Programs – Many mothers who return to work after a career break worry about being out of touch with the latest industry trends or technologies. At Growup, we offer continuous training and development programs to ensure our VAs stay ahead of the curve, so they never feel left behind.
The Road Ahead
At Growup Technologies, we are committed to eradicating the guilt that comes with being a working mother. We believe that by offering remote, flexible work opportunities and a supportive community, we can empower more women to pursue their careers without compromising on motherhood.
The era of sacrificing one for the other is over. Motherhood and career can, and should, go hand in hand.