A start-up with the superpower to customize your gifts.

Have you ever tried looking for a perfect gift by roaming in gift shops?
You may think you find a good gift, but it’s just the best one that particular shop has.
How could there be a perfect gift for your special someone right?
Well, there is.
This is the tale of Homafy, a gifting company invented in 2020 under the threat of COVID-19.
Creation of minds of two young entrepreneurs and college friends Yash and Maneet, who were still completing their education.
So, one-day Maneet has to surprise Yash for his birthday and went looking for a gift in the market. She checked out various shops and was disappointed with the collection market had to offer. She was not able to find any gifts which would fulfill her expectations.
This experience was enough to create a spark.
As they say, entrepreneurs are one who finds a need and provides to fulfill it.
There commenced the journey to create a platform that will provide gifts specially designed for people.
Well, now the talks have started!
Here’s what Yash has to say about gifts “Gifting in India is an unspoken tradition practiced for centuries. People gift each other to share emotions, which words are incapable of”.
The idea of the start-up revolved around exploring options that would take the gifting culture to a whole new level.
Exploration takes these young minds to various parts of the world.
“We tried exploring foreign markets for a better understanding, but the gifting culture in India is completely different from foreign countries, Of course, they have great products but they couldn’t meet Indian sentiments,” says Maneet.
Finally, they found some stuff that would meet the Indian sentiments, and guess where they find such stuff? In India.
They found many local artisans and vendors who have beautiful products to offer but are still struggling to survive because of a lack of customers.
“It was tough to convince the local vendors and artisans to work with us since they are based in local areas and are not much aware of the online platforms, many of them even denied” adds Yash.
The brick of the foundation was laid, and all that was left was implementation.
“Since we were not capable enough to hire people to work with us, Yash and I use to work 12 hours a day so that Homafy can survive” so says Maneet.
Gradually, with the hard work of both entrepreneurs, the start-up made its presence in the market.
As they say, Hard work may not be timely but surely pays off.
Homafy, which was started with just a handful of products now offers 1500+ customized products to the market, addition to the list is still on.
The start-up which was started in four walls now has a team of 30+ members working together to spread smiles and has served more than 80000 happy customers in the duration of 2 years.
There must be many problems managing a growing start-up, right?
“People order gifts for some specific occasions, so it is important to deliver it to them by that occasion, handling logistics was very difficult for us since we have to rely on third-party courier services.” Adds Yash.
There may be many difficulties in rowing the boat but the beautiful journey compensates for it.
So what is the future Homafy wish to achieve?
Homafy plans to widen its market reach not only inthe Indian market but in foreign markets as well.
“We at Homafy, want to leave a mark of Indian culture in the whole world, we want to show the whole world, how beautiful and creative Indian creations are” and so are the opinions of the Homafy team.
The flower watered in 2020 is slowly and steadily growing into a beautiful tree to cast its shade upon the whole world.
Website link- www.homafy.com