Griffin Publication uncloaks the cover of yet another inspiring book authored by Adhirr Raj titled 'UNBOX ME'. On 31 July 2022, the book was officially launched for the millions of readers out there to unearth their innerselves.The event was marked by the graceful presence of a panel of esteemed guests which incorporated Historian/writer/Filmmaker/artist Mr Dinesh Kapoor, Ms Pragya Richa Srivastava IAS Additional Director of Police (Women Safety)MP, Prof. Dr Santosh Kumar-Dean School of Liberal Arts And Culture Studies, Adamas University Kolkata, Prof. Dr Ramesh Bagla- HOD Dept of Marketing at Amity Business School, and a model. The event was elegantly anchored and moderated by the CEO of Griffin Publication herself -Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva.
Homosapiens have a unique distinguishing quality from other species. We humans have come so far because of a uniqueness and the ability to discover the true potential within ourselves.We are capable of using our cognitive facilities to reach beyond the unimaginable and explore the unexplorable. Adhirr Raj narrated how his book unveils the most common errors we make to feel not the subtle pleasures of life. But unfortunately many times we fail to realize this and limit ourselves from thinking out beyond the box. The book he presented, proves an attempt to make us dig deeper into our depths - the immense potential that each one of us possesses that may eventually lead us to ignite our lost passions into driving onto a beautiful path of our own.’Keep doing good and it will come to you in some or the other way.’ With this belief, the author Adhirr Raj has successfully made his contributions to the masses as to how significant it is to challenge our notions and see beyond the limitations we have drawn for ourselves.
The eminent panel had their ways to congratulate the author and deeply wished him the best in their addresses. Mr Dinesh Kapoor appraised the author by complementing the emphasis the book lays upon the need of the hour for all -mental health and simple pleasures. Ms Pragya Richa Srivastava congratulated the author that indeed we need to feel and un-suffocate ourselves by providing more ventilation to our minds. Prof. Dr Santosh Kumar- also wished the author success and was happy to see how the book attempts to define success. Prof. Dr Ramesh Bagla congratulated and praised the author’s attempt to see the pains and pleasures of life from new perspectives.
The show ended with a very interactive and synergetic session on ‘Unboxing’ the various hindrances to the human mind that blur out the chances and wondrous opportunities that lay ahead of us.
The book launch event proved to be very illuminating and efficacious. The CEO Griffin Publications- Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva officially announced the availability of this book for all the readers out there and signed out from the event with the following words of encouragement-
'Writing is what makes us human mortals immortal for ages to come.' Get inspired and break all your mind-made barriers. And if ever you wish to write yourself, we at Griffin publications are always there welcoming you and encouraging you to write your own story!
Also, don't forget to grab your copy 'UNBOX ME' from