From an employee to the creator of an EdTech firm, my passion has led me to this start-up journey
Madhu Bandi is an author and entrepreneur. He was the Founder of Positive techno services started in 2022.
Follow the passion and work Hard for itIf you work hard and follow your passion, you will achieve amazing things and will discover new things along the way.
When I was an employee, my role was limited, but when I became an entrepreneur and followed my passion for writing,blogging & podcasting, I experienced a dynamic career with unlimited potential. there are no boundaries to achieve anything in life. Any start-up journey or establishing a company and making it grow will have many problems and struggles and will encounter many issues but we need to find solutions to it.
“You will face many challenges in life, but it is your responsibility to discover solutions.”
Madhu worked as a professional software employee for more than six years at firms including Accenture, HCL, and Dell. He worked in a variety of fields, including development, marketing, and operations, and he was familiar with all kinds work environments.
Since,He was interested in the start-up ecosystem rather to working for MNC firms.In 2018, he launched ane-learning platformcalled edigtalcouses.comwhich aims to build skill development courses. However,Due to a lack of financial and business skills, it could not advance farther, but he learned from his mistakesmade a comeback in 2022.But this time he back stronger than ever. Now henot only built an e-learning platform, but his firm also received recognition from Start-up India.
edigitalcourses is an online e-learning platform that empowers youth by helping them with a lot of professional courses. which also includes technical and non-technical courses like design and marketing, which will not only help them advance in their careers but will also allow them to work on individual freelancing projects and start their own businesses or freelancing opportunities without relying on their regular full-time jobs.
Through our e-learning platform, our start-up wants to make educational and skill development content accessible to all students at affordable pricing. link:
He also continues to follow his passion and publishing his book titled "Positive Quotes of Life" which was released on Amazon as a kindle edition. Additionally,developed the websites and, which promotes positive thinking content through audible articles and podcasts.
His Latest Podcast (Positiveness)available in Spotify:
Positive quotes of life Book link:
Believe in yourself and your ideas -Madhu Bandi.
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