KAP (Key-Action-Plan) - Complete solution for every parent and children using mobile phones.

The pandemic has badly hit the developmental and educational spheres of children. This has posted a great challenge to every parent, as educational ventures are shifting to online studies, resulting children having full time access to internet. The issue has become a great matter of concern for parents. KAP(Key Action Plan)- is an innovative application, which focuses more on action rather than philosophical statements. This is because the child’s brain understands command more effectively as compared to brief explanation. This is an innovative startup, which is currently looking for effective feedbacks from its users by providing a free 7 day trial to its new users.
Mr.R Mohana Sundaram, the creative director of JSRIVA, Odisha, India, was running his offline computer institute since 2004. After the entry of 4G and affordable availability of learning sources online, students now prefer online studies. He effectively grabbed the opportunity in the crises time. During the pandemic hit, he initiated online teaching, developed an easy to use website and a ‘YouTube channel containing tutorial for computer courses.’
Later in January 2022, they officially established their brand named KAP (Key Action Plan), whose access was then only limited to personal contacts. They initially indulged college students and others youngsters in the computer training programme. But later they wished to extend the scope of the program by targeting the school students as well. Hence they decided to initiate a start up by developing an app focusing on the discipline of children and MCQ quiz in an innovative format.This App can be used by parents, who have small children as well as can be used by students, who have their mobile phone.
Why choosing a KAP - Key Action Plan?
There are many such applications in the mobile application store. These are the modern tools or ways for making your child Smart, Disciplined and Informative. This application is specially created for the students who rely on mobile phones for studies. This app is very useful for the parents as parents can use this application as a mentoring tool to help the children in their overall advancement. The parents have to first understand the whole functioning of the app. It also provides report card, which shows the academic performance of the child .This report card describes the progress and inclination of the child towards ‘discipline and education’.
The features of key action plan.
- To do list- parents can write about five immediate task done for their children i.e. purchase of books, sports equipment etc.
- Knowledge bank for multiple categories in a MCQ game format
- Tic Tac Toe game
- Daily Assignments, and
- Report card
These kinds of apps may be a helpful asset for the parents for their child’s upliftment and development of character. Parenting is not an easy task nowadays; child education and development should be planned in a systematic manner. Key Action Plan is the complete package for the parents and children.They had around 200 installs and 90 uninstall till date. KAP actively exists in around 30-50 devices only as of today. Interested students and parents can connect with their official websites;