Enigmatic Flight to Holistic Health by Author Ramesh Kumar

Enigmatic Flight to Holistic Health by Author Ramesh Kumar
  1. Could you give a brief synopsis of your work and how it tackles the main issues facing the modern world?


The most crucial factor is being in optimal health. We must assert our claim to health, which is a natural right. If we adhere to the body's and mind's natural healing processes, which are described in detail in this book, there is nothing in this body that cannot be cured or healed. The definition of excellent health has been thoroughly discussed, with the focus being placed on the need for complete holistic health, which includes mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. As a result, we must make an educated decision to be healthy by following natural healing mechanisms and taking a few simple measures. Health is not something that is handed to us; rather, it must be EARNED. Gaining prosperity, notoriety, family friendships, social advancement, and riches are all meaningless without excellent health. We tend to forget about our health as we pursue our education, careers, and social and monetary advancement. Our health has suffered as a result of the challenges of everyday living, the specifics of our jobs, families, peers, and society pressures and goals.


The four pillars of health—exercise, a good outlook on life, enough rest or relaxation, and nutrition—all need to be carefully balanced with one another. The entire castle of health will tremble if one of the pillars becomes weak.

However, one can begin at any moment and from any location. If you are already healthy by God's grace, a few minor tweaks and adjustments as outlined in the book will keep your health on track by taking care of these four pillars of health. If you are experiencing physical or psycho-somatic health problems, it will help you get back on track and resume your regular health. If you are perfectly well, the fruits of our labor and affluence have meaning and purpose.


Who wouldn't want to be in good health? You must make the decision to be healthy now. We are Creators, having been made in HIM image. Unfortunately! What have we produced? Health should have been developed, but instead there is disease, suffering, and a variety of psychosomatic health problems like stress, sadness, and anxiety. The book goes into great detail on how we can use the creators' power to generate wellness. We have the ability to produce both illness and wellness.


Every year, our bodies undergo a full cell replacement, giving us a new body. Why are we considered sick? Negatives: outdated habits and a structured way of thinking. Changes must be made to neural networks of thought patterns, or software, in addition to hardware. Though we are all lords, our bodies and minds have usurped. The auto-suggestions in this book that alter your neural pathways or mind patterns.


Our bodies regenerate a new body every year, consisting entirely of fresh cells. Why do people think we're sick? Drawbacks: antiquated practices and a regimented mindset. In addition to hardware, modifications must be made to neural networks of thought patterns, or software. Our bodies and minds usurp authority, even though we are all masters. This book contains autosuggestions that change your mental processes or neural pathways.


This book examines health from the viewpoint of a pedestrian, emphasizing how pursuits of great economic success, luxury, relaxation, good food, clean drinking water, hygienic living conditions, exercise, yoga, mental and spiritual growth, and overall well-being can help, rather than harm, one's health while they are on this planet.


Go deeply into this book to help you and your loved ones achieve fantastic, thriving health.


  1. What specifically qualified you to write this book, and what life experiences or knowledge do you bring to the subject?


My parents and the life I witnessed, encountered, and led during my life's journey served as my main sources of inspiration.

The four pillars of health that the book is based on are relaxation, positive thinking, exercise, and nutrition. The book is the result of my many years of living and experienced personal experience. Throughout my journey in my personal, social, and professional lives, my parents have been my inspiration.


Being from an agricultural family, I have witnessed my parents raising simple crops and grains that were a staple diet for everyone in our community as well as for our family. Food habits include the use of and consumption of multigrain products, meat and meat products, fruits and vegetables fresh from the farm, milk and milk products, eggs, and poultry products. I can see that the meal was well-balanced, freshly prepared on earthen chulahs, served fresh, and enjoyed by the entire family. Then, a lot of the so-called superfoods were consumed and used extensively. The food served at community events and weddings was basic yet filling.


It was commonplace to labor in farms, take care of crops, do housework, and engage in other agrarian duties. The market, a distant temple (five to six kilometers away), and even a visit with our family in a few kilometers' distant villages are all accomplished by strolling pleasantly along on foot. We gained a direct and indirect understanding of the value of walking and exercise in this way. When we were students, the school allotted us 1-2 hours for sports and other physical activities. Our parents never stopped us from playing for 2-3 hours every day even after we got home. That cemented the mindset of exercise and physical activity.


Our family taught us to have a good outlook, to believe in God, to pray, and to celebrate holidays both as a family and with other families and the community. Festivals, poojas, and prayers for the well-being of the town and community as a whole, as well as for individual families, are deeply engrained in the lives of children. It was only natural to help those in need, to ensure that no one went without food or water, to visit temples and Shivalya, and to take part in religious and cultural events. It instilled a hopeful outlook in us.


Eating dinner between 6-7 p.m., sleeping on cots under a starry sky, hearing our parents' voices, hearing their stories, feeling their heads, falling asleep while listening to them, and rising brightly with the first light of dawn.


The happy life I've led and the pain I saw in others as a child motivated me to write this book.


I was inspired to write a book in the form of a book because I adhered to the yogic principles of exercises, Pranayama, meditation, and modern psychology, NLP, energy center transformation techniques, and Reiki universal healing techniques. I also applied these techniques to those in need.


This book clarifies the lessons I have learned throughout my life, put into practice, and helped people in need.


  1. Could you list a few of the most important lessons or revelations that readers should anticipate from your book?

The four pillars of health—nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and a positive outlook—are covered in full in the book in order to achieve total physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Readers will discover fresh and varied viewpoints on what should be in our diet, why, and what kinds of physical activities and exercises one should practice to avoid health problems.


A positive outlook on autosuggestion, which guides our body, cells, and even genes toward optimal health. These are autosuggestions that can change your life.

Ultimately, cutting-edge, yet incredibly flexible and easy to practice meditation techniques have been developed and presented. These techniques promote general body and mind harmony and relaxation, which leads to physical and psychological well-being.

The experiences I have had throughout my life are the basis for the book.


  1. In your book, are there any case studies or actual situations that you feel best exemplify the concepts you talk about?

For our body and mind to function at their best, they depend on a few basic inputs. Food, water, air, and sensory inputs in the form of experiences and perceived thoughts serve as our basic sources of information. The caliber and volume of the things that our bodies receive define the caliber and volume of the things that we produce. It could be the maintenance, development, and sustenance of our bodies as well as the best possible operation of the body's systems.


  1. Do you think any case studies or real-world events best illustrate the ideas you discuss in your book?

Our body and mind rely on a few essential inputs to function as best they can. Our primary information sources include food, water, air, and sensory inputs like as experiences and perceived ideas. The quality and quantity of the items our bodies are nourished with determine the quality and quantity of the things we generate. It might be the optimum potential functioning of the body's systems as well as the upkeep, growth, and sustenance of our bodies.


  1. Did you face any unique difficulties while writing this book? If so, describe them and how you overcame them.

There was the information, as well as real-world application of these methods and ideas. All that needed to be done was arrange and organize the data and inputs into the book format, which took roughly two years to come together.


  1. How do you think your book will improve readers' lives and what do you hope they will learn from reading it?

Even a layperson can understand and use the concepts and strategies because they are so straightforward and effective. Neither specialized training nor specialized tools are required. Their general well-being will be permanently altered, and all aspects of their health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—will improve. Only a few of these are revolutionary.

This book, in my opinion, is a health guide for anyone looking to focus on physical aspects such as yoga pranayama, hastha mudras, and workouts.


It serves as a guide for people who wish to acquire physical wellness by beginning with diet. What is a balanced diet, how important are fruits and vegetables, multigrains, and fallacies regarding proteins? How may intermittent fasting promote auto-purification?

It is all-inclusive for anyone seeking to instill mental and emotional well-being via the use of potent self-auto suggestive procedures that promote mental clarity and promote cellular, mental, and emotional health.

And lastly, easy meditations that everyone may do without negatively impacting their daily life and that promote health and spiritual development.


  1. In an ever-evolving world, how does your book continue to be applicable and flexible for readers throughout time?

Because the procedures and ideas are based on timeless health principles, they remain relevant despite changes in the surrounding environment. Breath techniques, autosuggestions, and meditation techniques alter neural pathways or networks that influence how you think and behave. They also attempt to affect your cells and genes to relax and heal your physical and psycho-somatic issues, keeping you in a state of homeostasis, or optimal functioning, in addition to nutrition and physical exercise, which have an impact on our physical health.


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