Event Needz: One-Stop Solution for All Events

Event Needz: One-Stop Solution for All Events

The event management industry is one of the most sought-after industries today. However, managing an event is more challenging than it seems. Today, we want our events to stand out and be unique. Be it a birthday, a corporate meeting, a wedding, or a book launch, we want to give our best in everything. However, despite our ideas and knowledge regarding an event, seven out of ten times, we are sure to miss something. Therefore, an event management company plays a crucial role in the flawless organization of our events.

But how do we choose the right event management company to manage and handle our events? Client testimonials and a quick look at a company's portfolio will give us a rough idea about the company. Then we can decide whether to go ahead or not with the company.

And if client testimonials are to be considered, then Hyderabad-based Event Needz is one such company that is certain to match every parameter one may look for in an event management company.

Event Needz is a one-stop shop for all your event requirements. Here, vendors only receive qualified leads without rushing the bidding process, and users get all the convenience they need to enjoy being the party planner for every big or small celebration.

Along with helpful information about the vendors, customers also get several quotes from interested vendors without getting a call from any of them.

Jyotsna Kompalli, who has over 15 years of experience in the event management industry, started the platform - Event Needz. During her time in the event management industry, she realized how challenging it was to secure a specific vendor for a particular event. She then began speaking with vendors and customers to determine their desires and where event management companies fell short. Finally, in 2015, she began working on it after a good amount of market research and incubation under mentors.

Her passion has always been events, and she desired to do something distinctive within this field. With her partner's encouragement and support, Jyotsna pursued her passion and turned it into a super scalable and sustainable business.

And when the pandemic struck, getting business to the vendors who depended on her became even more complex, and this was when she felt the urge to do something different to build a platform which should not be season dependent. So, Jyotsna finally turned her longtime dream into a real business on March 4, 2022. She did this by using all her experience in the field to build a platform catering to Events Market.

Event Needz is a hybrid platform that provides SaaS for vendors and e-commerce for customers. This online marketplace also has a dedicated app where users can share their requirements. By doing so, they receive multiple bids from interested vendors along with their profiles assisting the customers make an informed decision. It is a revolutionary platform that is changing how event services have been hired since a long time.

The company has onboarded over 4000 vendors so far and offered services to over 5000 happy customers. Today, Event Needz is not just available in Hyderabad but also in two more states.

The platform gives a fair chance to every vendor to show their profile and bid for the requirement that too without paying any commission! Event Needz, as said earlier, is a one-stop solution where customers are not bombarded with the vendor calls to seek the same information. In addition, the company offers multiple price references and assured service to customers as well as creating much needed employment in the Indian job market.

If you are also looking for a one-stop solution for managing your event, log on to the company website:  www.eventneedz.com or download Event Needz mobile app from Play store or Apple store.

You can also find them at
